Day In The Life Of The Parent Friends

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Note: Half the tags that I posted I had to delete because the site said it was too long. If you want to see all of them go over to my account on Ao3 under the same name to get all of the information. Have a nice day! -N. 

      Today had really been a day. First he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. Then he gets a text from Felix telling him that Jisung was sick and refused to take a minute and breathe. Then the kid passed out on him and Changbin. After they were finally able to drag the young omega to the hospital, it turns out that he's not sick, he's pregnant. Almost immediately after Chan has calmed him down somewhat, disaster strikes again. Felix calls him this time, and tells him that Minho(the baby's father) had fallen during practice and had screwed up his ankle and that they were on their way to the exact hospital they were at now. And Chan couldn't not tell Jisung and Changbin, Minho was their boyfriend, father of their child, and best friend respectively. Needless to say that he didn't expect this to happen when he got out of bed this morning. And checking the time on his phone, it was only a little after 1pm. It was going to be a very long day.     

            Sighing to himself and pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to stop an oncoming migraine. This really wasn't how he hoped that today was going to go. His plan was to get up and go work on the project that he had with Changbin and Jisung, that was the only thing that he had to do today. It was a rare Friday off for him. And he was fully ready to take advantage of it. But then when he woke up, he had a message from Felix saying that Jisung was sick and that he was refusing to take it easy today and stay home, and that he better watch out for him. Which wasn't that big of a deal. This wasn't the first time that Jisung has done something like this, and more precisely he hasn't been the first person to do this in their friend group. Even though he thought that it wouldn't be that big of a deal since he's dealt with this before. Though he couldn't help that nagging feeling in the back of his head telling him to be careful. He wishes now that he had taken the time to listen to it.  

            And now he's found himself to be the bearer of bad news here. He has to tell one of his best friends, who's pregnant, that the love of his life and one of his other good friends is injured and on the way to the hospital as we speak now. Under normal circumstances Jisung would have flipped out and lost his shit on them. Even though Jisung can come off as cocky and egotistical at times, he's actually one of the sweetest and kindest human beings that Chan has ever met in his life. Though he's been known to put up a front because of his anxiety and self-esteem issues to try and distance himself from the problem. In reality he's just a very shy introvert who has no idea how to interact with people on the first try. Though once Jisung gets pushed over the edge he goes flying over it. Chan can remember the first time that the younger had been triggered enough to go into an anxiety attack on him. It was scary for him because he had never seen the young omega like that before. It had taken Chan almost a good half hour to calm him down. He knew how hard Jisung took things like this. And it didn't help that now he had all of these pregnancy hormones rushing through him. He really hoped that this wasn't going to be a complete trainwreck. Though with their luck he really shouldn't be that surprised by it.  


       Deciding that it was now or never, Chan turned his attention back to the matter at hand. He had to tell Jisung what was going on. He owed him that, and Jisung deserved to hear from someone that he knew and trusted, not a stranger. Sucking in a deep breath the alpha headed over to the area where Jisung and Changbin were. The two of them were cuddled up together when Chan came back over to him. He had a small smile on his face, but Chan knew by the look on their face that they could tell that it was forced by the way that it didn't quite reach his eyes. Chan didn't ignore the fact that Jisung was looking at him worried. Even though he was the youngest one here out of the three of them the omega had always been very good at reading them and figuring out what was going on with them. "Hyung? What's wrong?" Jisung asked as he sat up and pulled away from Changbin. Chan ran a hair through his hair and sighed softly as he sat down next to Jisung in a chair. As much as he hated to do this to his friend, he had no choice at the moment. "Okay, Ji before I tell you this, you have to promise me not to get overworked over it okay?" Chan told him. "Because this might not seem as bad as it does at the moment." Jisung nodded his head, whatever it was, he had to know what happened. Not knowing was making his stress levels rise. "Ok, well that was Felix who just called, something happened during practice." Chan told him. Jisung eyes grew to twice their regular size and his heart started to beat even faster. "What happened?" Changbin asked. "Minho-ah fell during his duet with another student and got hurt." Chan told them. And Chan could see the immediate reaction of panic that crossed the younger's face. It broke the alpha's heart to see the omega that he thought of as a little brother so distraught. 

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