1. Late for class

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"Y/N!!" Your mom screamed from across the hallway.


Once you heard your mom's voice you immediately got up. "Shit" you said as you looked down at the time on your phone.

Your mom yelled one more time. "I'M UP MOM!!" You yelled back letting her know that you woke up.

Once you got changed you dashed down the hallway to the kitchen for a quick snack before leaving "y/n" your dad said on the couch.

"Yeah" you said back "before you go, wake up your younger sister for me" your dad said

*sign* you signed before replying "fine" You were kinda upset because your little sister is a heavy sleeper and you know she's gonna make you even later for school.

Once you woke up your sister you left the house right away. not without a bye obviously.


When you reached to your school you thought you were gonna be really late but turns out you were right on time.

The school you go to is Aoba Johsai and you were happy about the decision you made two years ago.

Your a 3rd year in high school and your best friends were 3rd years as well. There names are Oikawa Tooru, and Iwaizumi Hajime.

Iwa was your best friend since Junior high and you've been best friends with Oikawa since grade school.

You didn't really think Oikawa's a friend anymore because things start to get sexual between you two ever since two months ago.

But you ignored it and still consider him a friend and not a partner.

You were so thankful for having friends like Iwa and Oikawa. There like the best thing that ever happened to you.


When you walked to your first class you saw Iwaizumi sitting in his regular spot.

You decided to scare him a little bit considering he was wearing earphones. "BOOOO!!!!" You Screamed. (Just pretend you scared him😅)

"AHHH!!! Y/N WHAT THE HECK" Iwa yelled. "hehe" you slightly giggled and pat his back "Sry i really wanted to" you genuinely felt bad. (Oops forgot to say that your a big softy. lol)

"It's fine" Iwa said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Your first and last class is with Iwa and your second and fifth class is with Oikawa (there's 6 classes/periods in japanese schools)

You don't have Iwa and Oikawa in your Third and forth classes and those classes were boring to you because there's no one there to make you laugh or smile.


There was 10 minutes before your first class was done and you were doing some work

"hey y/n" Someone said as they poked you from behind and as you looked behind your seat.

You saw Iwa and he had a confused expression on his face. "What's wrong?" You asked

"I need help on this question" he said "why don't you ask the teacher" you reply back

"but the teacher is busy helping another student" he smirked. You groan and helped Iwa.


You walked your way to your second class and it turns out you were the first one there.

The teacher told you to quietly sit at you desk and wait for your classmates to come so you did.

You were swinging your legs waiting for more classmates to come especially Oikawa. You wondered to yourself 'Where the heck is Tooru?!?!' As you quietly sit in your seat.

When there was about 5 people in the class Including you. Oikawa pulled up in the class panting thinking he was late but when he saw how many people were in the class he felt relieved.

You were beaming at Oikawa saying that you were happy he was here. All girls in the class stopped what they were doing and looked up at Oikawa as he slowly made his way to his seat. (right beside you😉)

all the girls said "Hi Oikawa-chan!!" Oikawa simply waved as he sit down. You and Oikawa looked at each other and smiled gracefully you made a shy "hi" and Oikawa saying "Hi!!" Back smirking.

"Sry if I worried you" Oikawa said as he rubbed his neck "no worries, as long as your here I'm fine" you winked back getting Oikawa to blush a little.

All girls were jealous how you were friends with him and how you can make him blush. You ignored it thinking Oikawa can be flustered easily.


You guys were debating on something and it turned into a play fight.

You guys were pushing each other and trying to hit the other person but you guys always block each other's hits making it impossible for one of you two to back down.

"haha Tooru, go easy on me" you said "haha no way" Oikawa laughed back while you were struggling to hit him.

The play fight turned into a tickle fight. You were cursing under your breath because your whole weakness was tickle fights and Oikawa knows your week spots.

Your Stomach, your neck and your thighs. (Don't ask why I thought about thighs lol) but the thing is, you know Oikawa's weak spots too which will make this into a far match.

You guys start tickling each other until one of you two back down. "HAHA OK YOU WON TOORU!! NOW STOP TICKLING ME HAHA!!" You said.

But oikawa didn't stop. "No,not until everyone is here and when class starts" he stated. You were about to explode when he said that. You couldn't take it anymore.

"But actually Tooru at this point your Torturing me!!" You said "Oh sry, I took it to far" he said

"It's ok, at this point I actually forgot what we were debating on again" you said as giggling.


Your second class was done and you made your way to your third class but suddenly Oikawa grabbed your wrist

"your gonna go before saying bye?!?!" *sign* you signed "I'm gonna see you at lunch and at fifth period" you said

"SO?!?!" He replied back "so...I'm gonna see you later" you said. Oikawa had a expression of being sad and happy at the same time because he was sad that you had to go and happy that he's gonna see you again.

You giggled at his expression. "Bye Tooru-chan" you said as you winked and pecked his cheek.

He blushed like a mad man after you did that but you didn't notice because you faced the opposite direction to go to class.


'WHY TF DID I DO THAT' you thought.
'I DON'T EVEN F*CKING LIKE THE GUY' you thought again over your actions on how you pecked on Oikawa's cheek.

You guys did have sexual actions between you two over the last two months and you thought doing that was alright but you don't even know how Oikawa was feeling at the time.

If he was disgusted or pleased. Your thoughts raced as if he felt disgusted and you were embarrassed but you remember how you and Oikawa did worst than pecking on each other's cheek.

You sat on Oikawa's lap one time because there wasn't enough space in a car you two were in, And he was on top of you once because he slipped and fell on you.

You felt at eased on how pecking his cheek was not bad at all and was better than what you two did before but you thought on how you didn't felt any feelings towards him after the stuff you've been though with him.

You stoped thinking of him as you reached to your third class.


AHHHH!! THANK YOU FOR READING THE FIRST CHAPTER!! Also, the characters are at least 18 or above in this fanfic. <3

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