Diary Entry No. 1

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A Mother's Longing

There was something in the darkness that was like a promise, like the world before dawn. The ticking of the clock had a relaxed feeling like a soft tune at rest. The light that came from the old lamp post outside the window barely illuminated the old wooden bed which was covered with dirty cramped sheets of blankets that looked like it survived many floods that had gone by or something, and the woman who stood beside it.

She stood barefoot on the icy floor, covered in a fine layer of dust. Her feet looked like it hadn't been washed for days, flies were even swarming around it. Her clothes were filthy - wrinkling as she swayed her body from side to side, rocking a baby in her arms. She was wearing nothing more than an oversize shirt with holes on random corners which might have been eaten by termites.

A low rytmhic but discordant humming escaped her pale cracked lips, her voice somewhat cold yet pleasing at the same time. Her dark brown hazel nut hues above her eye bags sleepily stared down onto the precious bean she's carrying, showing unconditional love for the little child. Although, the glimmer she once had in her eyes had long died out already.

She handled the infant with so much care, as if it were a fragile glass that might break with one wrong move - well, that was until it's cry filled the room. It's soft hands and feet pushed and kicked in every direction posible, trying to deliver force onto something but to it's dismay - found nothing more than the cool humid air.

The warmth in her heart died, the love that she showed earlier was replaced with a horrified look as if she had seen a ghost. Her lips trembled uncontrollably along with her hands as the toddler's cry grew louder and louder in her ears with every second that ticked by. Her chest visibly heaving up and down, taking in deep heavy breaths.

Her lips curved into twisted frown as she dropped the neonate like dropping a ball from her hands.

The little boy fell down on the solid concrete with a splat rather than a thud as it's fragile skull inside it's head still could not withstand the force of the impact; it was then followed by the splattering of blood which escaped from the back of it's head; tainting the foot of the bed and the leg of the woman with a crimson red colour, some of it even seeped under the ancient rug just beside the dead body.

The glow in the child's eyes can no longer be seen as his body stayed still. His small curled hands hanged loose in the air just beside his pale chubby cheeks - not showing any signs of life.

❝ You're not my child! ❞ she growled taking a step back before grabbing onto her messy hair and tugging it with all her strength. If a cat were to eat hair then spit it out afterwards before drying it under the blazing rays of the sun - then that's exactly what her off black hair looked like right now; only, she's making it worse.

Her teeth clattered like a tremor or an aftershock in between her breath, all while chanting the same words over and over again, like a broken record.

Without hesitation or even thinking about it, she raised her left leg before pressing it deeply onto the chest of the corpse which violently sended out vibration throughout it's whole body before giving up and opening up, revealing the gruesome organs that were being protected by the ribcage which haven't fully developed yet. The scarlet sticky fluid splashed across the uneven rigid floor, creating a small puddle in between the small gaps.

It seems that she wasn't satisfied yet as she then raised her sanguine covered feet once again and mercilessly hit the toddler's peaceful face which flattened down like a piece of cake, letting out the warm substance ooze out as if it was gentle flowing stream, showing the Brain matters, skull fragments and other muscle tissues that were squished in between her limb.

Only then when the carcass didn't resemble anything other than lumps of flesh did she feel like she had done a good job. Her chanting was replaced with an uneven high pitched laughter that her intestines almost went out of her mouth. Her shoulders raised up in down in a fast tempo as tears rolled down from her eyes which was followed by the rest in an unending flow.

She fell down onto her knees just beside the putrid cadaver which she created herself. Her mouth remained agape as the emotionless laughter continued to resonate around the closed walls.

Her gaze locked onto the horrible figure infront of her, wondering if did she actually did what she had done.
She stretched and engulfed the parts of the deceased in a hug; caressing it a loving manner, tainting herself with it's grotesque color.

No matter how long time had passed by, she still could not erase the images portrayed in her head of the life she used to have, those times when she was still in the right mind to think - she could never erase the anguish she felt from the day she lost her son; when he was killed by her own hands ...

This wasn't the first time she did something like this, infact she had taken lots and lots of innocent souls. bodies of newborns were either hanged or displayed ontop of the bed, cabinets, chairs and other furnitures like it was some designs for a Halloween party;
hoping she could drown away her misery but to no avail. She was only making everything worse for herself.

❝ My baby, where's my baby? Baby come back ... Mommy misses you ❞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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