Chapter 7: The Plan Electric Bugaloo

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That picture is the official "art is pending" photo. Please stand by as I create more masterpieces for this novel - 🤠

 On the second day, Light woke up in a fashion much like th efirs day. He goto up and went to the breakfast area, but to his surprise and delight,Sakuy awas no where to be fond,. He dint think muhc of it, as Skaiya had mysterious ways that could not be comprehended. After his breakfast with Trump, Light went ot he bathroom, faking dierha. He waited inside the bathroom until Trump had wandered off to do his own thing. He causally walked out o the bathroom and wenttp the front desk and stole a ntoepad wehen the clekr easnt' looking. A tlest that's what LIght thought, he clerk actually noticed ,but deided that they had seen enough of the strange group of boys i the backyard that they didnt bother to ask any questions. Light went ot one f hte dinning tables and he stared to map our his plam for a romantic dinner with Trump.

A short while later, Trump came over to him, but this was an event that lIhgt had planned for. He causally glipped the page and there, instead o f a dahsing dinner with roses in front of the efielf tower, was a dodole of ninjas fighting rainbow unicorns.

"That looks cool Light," Trump said as he sat next to Light.

"Nah, it sjsut a ranodm idea I had- I ad to get this notebook to sketch it beore it left my momery. You know how bad my memory is sometimes, remember when weh got last yasterday??" Light said with a light laugh

"I don't thinik I;ll ever froget that day," Trump replied. Light reached for Trump's hand, as per the plan that he had thougth up onf.

Righ on cue, Jesus stormed inot the dinning hall and launched himself between the two boys, "MAKE ROOM FOR JESUS!!!1!11!!1!!" Trump got yeeted off in the other direction, as lIght stayed stationary with his sationary. Once agai, all according to plan. As losng as Jesus was aorund, there was no way that Trump could get close enough to Light to see what he was doing. Trump wandered off in defeat and Light conitned on with his pan.

A few short hours later, Light realized that he had no idea what he was doig/ He had scrapped his plans mulitple times and he was getting frusterated. He also didn't like that he wasntl spending any time with Trump and he usepected thatTrump was starting to think that something was up tiwh the notebook. Light stood up amd pt the notebook with the rest of his things. He had made a decison, it was a hard deciosn, but itw as the only way that he could htink that would work. There as only oe person who could help him: :Tamaki Suoh of the Ouran High school Host CLub (he was a transfer student, bu tsince the host clb is so renowned, he decided ot kepe the title). LIght detemreind that he would spend the rest of the day with Trump , and then after dinner he would aks Tamaki for his help.

And that is exactly what happene. They had another bonfire and cooked hotdogs and told scary stores. After the fire died down, everyone disperesed into smaller gorups and conitneud talking. Ryuk had found out that France is very good at growing fruits, so he went off on his ownt o go apple stealing, Bassy , Kyoya, Tamaki, and Byukuya were having an elequent discussion about tea, and Levi and Yurio set about making a club that would go down in hisotyr ashte RNC- or the Rage Nugget CLub. Trump was the only oen who noticed that Lightw as gon,e and he was sads abot it. He wihsed that he could spend every second with LIght.

"Hey Tamaki?>' Light said as he approachsed the group of rich students talking about tea. Bassy glanced up at Light and conitneud sipping his tea. Byukuya sighed in disgust and reitred ot his tent.

"What's up sarling/" Tamaki said withouht looking up.

"I was wondering if you could help me with osmething..."

'Can't someone lese hel you?? I've decided that I dont like you for m a n y reason s so jst go somewere else." Light wan't aboyt to give up that easily.

"Buy oyu like to play a part in making peope happy dont you?? That swhy you started the host club is it now??"

"He ahs a point ere," Kyoya said smoohterly, Tamki glared at him and then stodd up.

"Fiiiiiine," He said with dramti c flair, "But i'm nto gonna be thrilled about it. But Fance is boring htis time of year and Skaya left us, so I need /something/ to keep me entertained. What do you need hlep with??"

"I want to lan a romantic dinner for Trump and me," Light said wiht a bit of a blush, "Just... dont tell him aout it."

'OH!!!~~" Tamaki's face lit up, "Yosu didnt tell me it was ~romantic~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

Light had no idea how Tamaki managgd to verbalize a Lenny face, but that was none of his concenr. He previously had tried to stay away from Tamaki and his host club as muhc as humanly possible, but desperate times call for despertate measures and tamaki was known ot create the most romantic occasion sand he wanted the best fro Trump.

Tamaki took LIght's hand and took him ot the host club tent where there were cardoard cutouts of Hunni, Mori and the Twins.

"Dont worry about those, we only summon them when its needed. THye didnt sign up to be a part of this hell hole, but sometimes their present is requested." tamkai explained as he took out a laptp and sat down on one of the two beds in the tne.t Of course the rich kids got beds in their tents when Light only got a sleeping bad.

:That's not the strangest thing Ie heard on this trip. Azt this point very little actually surprisses me." Light said as eh pulled p a chair.

"ALtiht, os lets get planning~" Tamaki said as he crossed his arms and smiled at Light. The teo of them sent many hours planning wlel into the night. Kypy astopped by to deliver them dinners, but other than that htey wer undisprupbed.

Soem time around Midnight, Light was getting tired and want ed to make sure that Trunmp had a good dinner and he was starting to miss him.

"ALright sweetie, you can go back to your boyfriend," Tamkai said, "but we still have a lot of planning and such left~ So i expect to see you again tomrrow yes/??? " Light nodded an hten left the tnet. He dindt realise taht it was so late, everyone was already asleep, so LIght got his sleeping bag and got in. Before he knew it, it was alreayd morning. 

Sorry about the wait for this chapter!!! I had it written last week, but I decided I wanted to make it into two chapters and I had to rewrite most of it and this story may become longer because of it!! But that's a good thing- that means more A Kiss At Sunset which is always a good thing.

Anyways, next chapter will be up next Thursday.

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