What I Want
Confusion…it’s become my best friend.
I know what I want.
My confusion comes from not knowing
Whether what I want wants me too or not.
So I sit alone on my mental beach
Feeling frustrated and sad
Because I know that what I want…
I can never reach.
I can’t deny my feelings any longer.
It’s grown impossible.
Now every day that goes by…
They just keep getting stronger.
People ask me why I’m always angry and upset.
Why I pace and fret.
But I can’t begin to explain the way I feel to them.
They wouldn’t understand…frustration fills me to the brim.
It’s the worst feeling in the world
To want something I can’t have.
So I mask the pain I feel inside
With a smile and a laugh.
Someone to laugh with…
Someone to cry with…
Someone to be with…
These things are what I’ve been telling you about.
They’re what I want.