Part 1: An Ordinary Day

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Lilith was sitting on her friend's couch, drawing on her phone, she wasn't good but she didn't think it mattered. The sun was pouring in through the window, the deep sunrise purples and pinks lighting the sky, letting Lilith know, once again, she had stayed up all night. She let a heavy sigh fall from her lips and laid back on the couch placing her phone on the coffee table and she snuggled up in the blanket laid out by her friend, who was just getting up for the morning.

Echo trotted down the stairs quietly, seeing Lilith on the couch and still awake, "Really Lilith, again? You can't keep staying up all night like this texting and drawing, it's not good for you." Echo says softly, worry hinting itself in her voice.

Lilith can only chuckle to her friend, "and waking up at dawn is? Come on coco, I'm going do great someday, I'll have my own business, baking the cutesy little muffins-"

"cupcakes" Echo interrupts,

"the little cupcakes you like so much, the pink strawberry ones,"

Echo gives a small snicker sitting next to her getting her shoes on, "imagine that the badass biker chick that everyone's so scared of, opening a pastry shop, that's crazy,"

Lilith, stretching, and yawns replies with a half-baked "yeah," she gives a goofy grin "but you know you love that about me,"

Echo can't help but laugh at the others silly expression, "ok, ok, get some sleep, I'll be back in a bit," Lilith responds with an mhmm, getting off the couch heading to her room. Echo gives a half-smile, it's not a smirk because she doesn't feel sassy but it's shaped a bit like one.

After she had finally gotten ready, Echo steps out the door to go for her daily jog, it goes on for a while before she finally stops her favorite café, for a coffee and a doughnut, of course, this being for Lilith, she walks up to the counter, despite this being a rather popular place it's kind of barren this morning, a tall young man with dark hair and, almost orange, amber pooled eyes, comes to take her order "hey there hot stuff, what can I get for you?" He smirks and gives a wink, Echo, being dense, doesn't seem to notice and happily recites her order, ordering two coffees because she knows for certain Lilith is not going to be sleeping when she gets home more than likely gonna be watching some form of anime on the TV in her room.

The man with mesmerizing eyes looks at her and smiles, "and can I get a name for your order, miss?"

Echo smiles, "I'm Echo,"

he smiles, his canines a bit sharper than what would be considered human, and he says " well miss Echo, my name is Luci, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Echo smiles happily, not even stopping to consider that there's no one else in the café.

she goes to her bag pulls out her wallet, " so how much do I owe you?"

He smiles, "well we're having a special sale today, anything on the house if you were to give me your number."

"Hm? Oh, um sure," she speaks with a soft blush on her cheeks, finally getting that this is his attempt at flirting, she gently takes his arm and puts her phone number on it in pen, "there, thank you very much, Luci," she smiles, she's handed her her coffees and she put the donut in her bag, she walks out of the café the two coffees in hand and starts to head back home to tell her housemate of the pretty man she gave her number to.

The fall leaves crunch under her steps as the warmth on the coffee seeps into her hands, she feels the soft warmth of the rising sun on her cheeks and she starts to feel the fluster of the embarrassing experience, because

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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