Lightly slighted

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The air was going, Light-Stepper could feel his neck snapping. He always knew Ra'kar was powerful but never knew he was THIS brutal.
He needed to get him out of his trance but how?

"Ra'kar...l-listen to me."

All came out of the male's mouth was foam and deepen growls, his eyes twitched and was about to step closer for the kill.
Light-stepper looked around rapidly, he needed to find the right words or else his neck will be snapt like a tiny, thin rib bone.
That's when he saw Ra'kar cradling Alari in his other arm, he was clinging onto her tightly as his hand shook rapidly.

His stance was in crouching postion, his knees bent too close together, his scale quils stood up and he was sweating.

This wasn't aggression...this was fear.

"Ra'kar! Look a-at your p-pup, Ra'kar. Is s-she harmed?"

Ra'kar grunted of annoyance, he looked down to his bundle instantly but saw no marks on her. She was breathing calmly and her eyes lids flickered as she dreamt.
"No, she's...peaceful."
Light-stepper felt the grip loosen, it was working! He just needed to talk his way out of the death grip.

"Have I-I ever layed one claw on her? Have I put her in any danger at all?"

"No, she would of cried for me."

"Then look at me, my son"

Ra'kar looked back to his father's eyes, they were calm, unnerved and were linked into the bond of parenthood.
The grip lossened more, his arm relaxed and started to pull away.
"Ra'kar, would I ever hurt, Alari?"
Ra'kar didn't have to answer, he shook his head finally letting go of Light-stepper.
He backed away embarrassed and he should be shunned by his father.

"Father, forgive me. I didn't mean to-"

"Don't you dare apologise to me."

Ra'kar looked away, he couldn't look into his father's eyes anymore after nearly breaking his neck.
But then he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a chuckled purr, Light-Stepper gave him a firm shake of respect.
"What I mean is that don't apologise for you natural instincts. You were willing to put your life on the line of a pup who is not of your blood or spieces. I am very proud of you but-"
Rubs his neck and sees a bit of blood on his hand.
"But if you ever make me bleed again, I will give you a hard whooping."

"Oh yes, I still remember those glorious pup days of you beating me. I couldn't walk for a week..."

The two males looked at each other, a moment silence was broken of the cave filled with crackles, clicks and chirps.
Yes, Ra'kar had a fair beatings from his father but what pup didn't?
Ra'kar remembered many younger days of Light-stepper teaching him how to survive on their many camping nights.
Those where his favourite memories, they were clear as water to ice but why was it getting fuzzy?
He felt light headed all of a sudden, the cave was spinning around and he felt faint.

"Are you alright, son?"

Ra'kar tried to focus but he felt sick, he felt like he was going to loose his last meal.
"F-father...take alari..."
Light-stepper took her as soon as Ra'kar sprinted towards the end of the cave and vomited on the dirt floor.
The leader already knew the signs as he once went through with them himself.
Dizziness, lack of balance and vomiting, they were old friends of his ever since he lost his hand.
He put Alari in her fur nest and goes over to Ra'kar, he touches his back and flinched.
"Your cold...Ra'kar you need to rest near the fire."
Ra'kar was about to protest but lost his balance but luckly Light-stepper caught him in time.

"I got you, lay down and I'll check your leg."

Ra'kar laid down in his fur bed, he groaned as he lifted his leg up on the soft pile of fur.
He was fearing the worse, his leg felt like it was on fire, every inch of movement made it worse.
Light-stepper quickly unraveled the bloody bandages, he saw the wound was inflared, puss was forming around the deeper cuts and the bone was visible to the naked eye.

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