Thank You, Mrs Milburn

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Maeve POV:
Everyone was called to assembly and I took my usual seat next to Otis who was sat beside his friend, Eric. This school week has been oddly quiet. We've had a few clients here and there, Eric and Adam have been getting along and so has Ola and Lily. Mr Groff walks on stage and taps the mic, causing a high pitched squeal echoing from the speaker. Everyone held their ears and groaned as a very awkward principal stood to face the audience with his back straight as if someone shoved a broom up his ass.
"Attention, attention school." He mumbled, I rolled my eyes and awaited silence to fall over the laughing teens, "Mooredale!" He retorted. An eerie quiet with a few stray giggles flooded the hall. "We've been noticing that little to none of you have any ambitions for after school," Mr Groff continues, "so, the staff and I have partly funded a trip to New York." No response. Some meek chatters could be heard but not clear enough to make out.
"Really, sir?" One student questioned, the rest of the students impatiently await for the answer.
"Yes, we'll be temporarily joining with a local school to continue our education for the time we're there-" before he could finish, Ruby interrupted.
"And how long, exactly, would we be there for?" The hall filled with voices again.
"Silence...Silence!" He yelled, "Six weeks." He replied. The students yelped a cheer. "However, we have only partly funded the trip. You will have to pay individually one-hundred and forty-five pounds and bring your own passport and luggage." He continued explaining the rules but I cut off my attention there. I can barely pay for electricity for my trailer, let alone to take the trip to America. By the end of the assembly, everyone was talking about it. What they were gonna wear, what hot American guy they were gonna pick up, Broadway etc. and I just couldn't deal with it. I was walking to class when I heard a voice.
"Maeve! Maeve!" Someone panted breathlessly, I turned to see my pale friend bent over with his hands on his knees.
"What is it, Milburn?" I prod, impatient to get this conversation over with.
"Are..." he pants some more, "Are you going on the trip?" I roll my eyes and continue to walk as he stumbles after me.
"No, Otis, I'm not going on the trip." He grabs my hand and turns me around, I look away, avoiding eye contact, "I can't afford it, Otis."
Otis shrugs and stands, "I can, my mum can help pay for it."
I move back and shake my head, "No, that's exactly what I don't want to happen. What's going to be in New York that'd interest me anyway?" We make eye contact for a moment, as if there was something we wanted to say.
"Otis!" Eric yelled, breaking the connection.
"Yeah, I'll just- I'll go." I turn and walk to class, I can feel Otis's eyes on me as I enter. A sigh of relief escapes me as I take my place at the back of the room. This subject was child's play for me, literature.
"Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow; That I shall say good night till it be morrow." The teacher quotes, I roll my eyes, not Shakespeare again, "Who can tell me where that quote is from?"
"Romeo and Juliet, miss." I reply, not planning to flunk the class.
"That's right, Maeve." She continues talking about the representation of love and naivety throughout the performance. I zone out, thinking about how America would be if I could go. The tall buildings and the city buzz, maybe it won't be so bad. I could have some money saved up.
Class finishes and it's the last class of the day, so we get to leave. I watch everyone race out of the door, almost pushing me over.
"Otis?" I call out, he turns to me with his goofy smile.
"Maeve?" He replies, I look to Eric who had just mounted his bike.
"Why haven't I met your mum?" I prod, he shrugs. "It's just, why would she offer to pay for my trip if I haven't even met her?"
"You're my friend, Maeve, she'd help." I take a deep breath and face down, looking up to him.
"I'd really like to go. I'll pay her back, I will." I don't like leaving debts unpaid, especially from a friend.
"I'll talk to her, Maeve." He comforts me and pats my shoulder, mounting his bike and riding away with Eric, I watch with my fingers between my lips, struggling to not get my hopes up.

Otis POV:
I come home and open the door. "Mum??" I call out. I place my bag down and hang my jacket, looking around. "Mum? Where are you?" I turn to the mess in the kitchen and I roll my eyes. Another one of her flings. I walk into my room, flopping onto the bed, ignoring the banging and oral sounds in the room next door. I cover my ears with my pillow and see my phone next to me glow bright. A message from Eric.
Eric: Otis, r u coming on the trip?
Otis: Yea, might be taking Maeve
Eric: I want to take Adam, is that too soon?
Otis: No, of course not, mate. It's fine.
Eric: Alright, goodnight.
The noise calms down and I face the wall opposite my door to I let my mind drift. America is going to be great, maybe even romantic, maybe, just maybe, exactly what we need.

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