Lost: Chapter 24

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The sun was almost at its peak in the sky and it had to be about 11 o'clock in the morning. I had been wandering around the woods for about six hours and the cold was really starting to take effect on me. I could no longer feel my toes, or my fingers. The tall trees were no help against the strong winter breeze that stung my frost-bitten cheeks. My chest burned, my eyes watered, and I was cold to the core of my entire soul. My stomach was starting to ache, and my feet were already swollen, so I decided it was a good idea to take a break. I quickly gathered some sticks and grass to start a fire, which took an amiable amount of energy that left me in cold sweat, but still frozen. I sat on the ground, took off my shoes and placed them by the fire while reaping the stinging consequence of frost bites. Once, I could feel my feet again, I leaned my frozen and stinging hands over the fire. ''That feels so much better,'' I said to myself out loud.

Then, I proceeded to take out a piece of fish I had wrapped in fabric from the day before for my travels. I shoved a few pieces in my mouth before I heard a loud growl of a loud and unfriendly animal from behind me. I slowly turned around to see a mountain lion slowly making an approach towards me. It was not the first time I had seen a mountain lion, there were many located outside the mansion gated estate and sometimes we run into them on the way and coming home from a long day of work. The mountain Lions were either scared away by the unknown or stayed to their own business. The question was did it want me or the fish I held in my hand. The large cat kept inching forward and gaining distance with every step.

Without another thought, I flung the fish at the mountain lions face and ran for my life as fast and as long as I could. I was so scared I didn't bother to gather my shoes or other small significant items that could have definitely made my life easier at that moment. However, I kept running and I wasn't going back to get them. I kept running until I fell into the clearing of a dusty road and a few tall buildings in the distance behind some trees.

Suddenly there was a jabbing pain on the side of my stomach and I grabbed my belly as a rush of fluid drain between my legs. ''This can't be happening now,'' I said to myself as I held my stomach in pain and unable to move. I grabbed ahold of a nearby tree as the pain escalated and the insides of my stomach knotted in a million pieces. Bubbling over, I struggled to maintain my balance and equilibrium as the contraction began to subside.

I wasn't due for another months and mid-wife...fuck the midwife, there's no way to really know how far along I truly was...I once saw a woman give birth to a full-term baby who was deemed only four months along by the best doctor in state, I thought to myself.

The pain eased up and I slide down against the tree existed. I was giving birth today on this road whether I liked it or not. I needed to make my way into the city. I could see it was only about two miles in the near distance. However, as soon as I attempted to pull myself up, I quickly slide back down against the tree as another contraction sent my entire body through pain. I waited for the contraction to subside and pulled myself up from the tree and stumbled down the road with fluid leaking from my skirts.

I hadn't even made it five feet before I found myself clinging to another tree and falling to the mercy of the brutal contractions. I could no-longer properly breath or walk. I realized that my contractions were less than one minute apart, and I was going to give birth sooner than I thought. Any minute, or any second. All I could do was hope and pray someone would find me and my baby along the way of their travels.

I had started to sweat tremendously, and the pain surged throughout my body as if I was going to explode. I didn't want to push or give birth here. I started to crawl towards civilization inch by inch, until I fell to the ground once more. I kicked, screamed and cried as I felt my body twist itself inside out. My drenching wet hair glued to my face and I could distinguish the difference between tears and sweat dripping from my face. I lay in the middle of the hard, cold and dusty road crying and praying that everything would be alright. After refusing to push, I finally gave into the hysteria and reality that I had already told myself already. I was going to give a baby today, right now!

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