Some Info About Rosalie

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:Rosalie Evans has been acting since she was 6 years old (I know Lily James probably hasn't been acting since that age but... Oh well)
:Petunia has started hating her even more than Lily because she is famous for her singing and acting but hates her even more since she found out that Rose was a witch
:Lily isn't upset with Rose because she left for filming a movie and decided to go to another school instead of accompanying her and Sev to Hogwarts
: Rosalie hates bullies and even though she doesn't like Severus she will still stand up for him if he is getting bullied or picked on
:She is not shy and is not akward in tense situations
:If you mess with Lily; Rose will most likely hex you or put you in the hospital wing
:She is friends with Lily's friends and basically everyone in Hogwarts except for a couple of Slytherins and she knows everyone's name
:She still gets loads of fan mail even though she is at school, but the fans mail it to her parents house and then her parents send it to her with her owl
:She loves singing and acting
:And Lily doesn't know that Rose is coming home
: Sometimes she will go out with her friends that she's in a movie with or her famous friends and she is allowed to drink because in the muggle world she is still famous and In the wizarding world they don't care because they find it an honor to have a famous person in their bar

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