Monday: the secrets you don't know

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Words: 3.6k
Warnings: mentions of drug use, vague descriptions of violence/self-harm, swearing.

*author's note at the end*


"This is your 12th missing assignment this semester!"

Your eyes flickered from your page for a fleeting moment, glancing over at your chemistry teacher. Though she tried to speak in a hush voice, you could hear every word she said as she scolded the seemingly disinterested student in front of her; Eren Jaeger, the true definition of a high school delinquent.

It really amazed you sometimes how a boy could care so little about his future. Not only did he blatantly not do his work, but he'd often skip class, probably smoking behind the school for all you cared.

Even on the rare occasion that he did show up to class, he was nothing but a disturbance. Constantly talking out of turn, or arguing with teachers for no good reason. You found it disgusting, to put it bluntly, and his attitude pissed you off beyond belief.

Tuning back into their conversation, you finally heard Hange come to an end with her lecture.

"You're not going to graduate if you don't pass my class, Eren. You're not even close to a passing percentage," she adjusted her glasses.

There was a stiff silence, and for a moment, you braced yourself for another one of Eren's temper tantrums. Except, it never came. Instead, you were completely shocked to hear the words that came out of his mouth.

"Is there something I can do to raise it?"

He wants to raise his mark? Your pencil fell from your fingers, a soft thud as it hit your notebook. Since when does he care about school?

"I want every missing assignment done for Friday. And that's me being generous." She said, "oh, and don't even think about copying Armin's work. I can always tell."

You clenched your teeth together, eyes narrowing in pure anger. There's no fucking way that's fair. Students like you had put in the time and effort to get a good grade. Why does he deserve a second chance when he's proven time and time again that he can't be reliable?

"Understood, Ms. Hange. Thank you."

You let out an audible scoff, and you felt his eyes turn towards you.

"Got a problem, princess?" He said sarcastically, an angry edge to his voice.

The nickname brought back memories. It was about 8 years ago when he first used it, and back then you were only children. You could remember it almost vividly... the day you met him. It started all at recess, a cloudy afternoon on the school playground. Instead of playing, you had been reading by yourself- when a rustling noise to your right disturbed your peace.

"hey, what do you think you're doing?" You had said, somewhat innocently. In front of you stood a gruff looking boy, his clothes a mess along with bruises adorning his face. No doubt, he was the new kid you had heard about. Everyone in your 4th grade class was talking about how unexpected it was to have a new transfer halfway through the year.

Your eyes flickered up to meet his. They resembled a sort of aqua-turquoise. It reminded you of the ocean- but not the calm, silent beaches that families and children would swim in on vacations to Miami or Mexico. It reminded you of the deep teal waters in the depths of the Antarctic. Stormy and violent waves that could tear apart pirate ships, just like they would in fantasy novels or movies.

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