Never Lose Hope

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At National City from Earth number 57, there's a superheroine that everyone knows, this is a small brunette with big coffee eyes girl called Kara Danvers or better known as Supergirl. Everyone thinks they know her... But only one person knew her, and it was her fiancée, an average brunette with green eyes guy called Barry Allen, also known as The Flash.

Today it's her Earth-birthday, and with her friends, she's supposed to go to Earth-1 to see her doppelganger and celebrate it with her and the people from Earth-1*. But she doesn't like to celebrate her Earth birthday without her favorite person.

*Read "Superflash one-shot: Earth-Birthday" to see the birthday from Earth-38 Kara!

Sitting on the couch she was once again watching a small book with pictures of her and Barry, they looked happy, they were happy. All the happiness she lost when he vanished saved her and their earth.

Her thoughts were bothered when someone opened the door, prepared to fight, she stands up and charges her heat vision. With her hands raised there, it was her sister Alex Danvers.

"Woah, easy there tiger, it's me," she said

"Hey Alex, I'm sorry about that,"

"It's fine, I didn't knock..." Alex answered while walking to the small island that was in Kara's living room.

"Are you ready to go?" Kara asked her.

"About that..."

"What happened? Is something wrong?" preoccupied she asked

"No there's nothing wrong... It's just... they're making their Kara a surprise, so we're going to go a little bit later, so we have all the noon to be together since you don't like to have a party, we barley convinced you to have this party with the guys from Earth-1,"

"You know me well... Can you go for some potstickers... I'm hungry," she said making puppy eyes.

"I hate you," she said walking to the door, knowing she would lose the fight against her sister.

"You know you love me,"

"That's not true!" She yelled walking away from the door. After some silent minutes, her room started to shake.

"What the..." Out of nowhere a small breach started to appear.

"Kara? Barry?" she asked thinking it was the guys from Earth-1, but she was wrong... Really wrong.

"Surprise! I'm baaaack!" From the breach, an old man appeared

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes. Sup' Sups? And sup guys! How are you guys been? Did you miss me?" Mr. Mxyzptlk said

"What do you want Mxy?" Supergirl said, crossing her arms.

"Wait, aren't you going to ask who am I talking to? he said confused

"I gave up asking you about it, so can you answer my question. What do you want?" she said

"Fair enough,"

"So what do you want Mxy? Haven't you done enough?*"

*Read "Even On Another Earth, We Are Still Meant To Be," to understand what she said!*

"That's why I'm here!"

"To make it worse? Because I just want to relax for one day..." she said

"What? No! I'm not here to make it worse! I'm here to give you the gift of your Earth birthday!"

"Do I have to worry about what's the gift?" She asked crossing her arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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