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  Taehyung wasn't afraid of much. Spiders were harmless, snakes were cool, heights were avoidable, and being forgotten wouldn't matter in the long run.

  Taehyung was into trying new things. Taehyung could be anxious before diving into something strange and exciting. But he wouldn't let fear consume. He never let fear consume. He never let fear eat him from inside out, chewing on his heart until it was so twisted and mangled that it barely beat. He never let fear control him, never let it creep into his mind with spindly, silent fingers and infiltrate his brain with the practiced ease of an assassin. Taehyung acknowledged fear, but fear never entered his house, never came too close to him. Fear could spit on his lawn, could talk behind his back, could do its best to ruffle Taehyung, but Taehyung never let fear too close.

   Taehyung wasn't afraid of much. But right now, seeing the void of his heart closing in and ready to suck the humanity out of him, he was terrified. This was new. This was dark.

  This wasn't anything like he'd ever felt before. And it was scary. The unknown was so much scarier than he ever could have imagined. Here he was, on the edge of an emotional void, never-ending in all directions except....


  And going back was somehow worse.

   In hindsight, Taehyung would realize his mistake. He would scold himself for his stupidity and wish he would have been more mature. He would loathe his ignorance and carelessness and wish for second chances.

   He would mourn the love he almost had. He would wonder where the beautiful rose of his heart had gone. If the flower still bloomed... Or if the bud had wilted as he had.

  If only he hadn't met Jeon Jungkook.

Hi! Thanks for reading this chapter!! I will do my best to update this new story, but my depression makes doing anything pretty difficult. Please leave comments! They encourage me and motivate me to get things done. Love you guys! Be safe!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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