The Green Eyed Man

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His eyes...they were such an interesting green. Not the lime green or the dark green you're thinking of, but a middle tone green. Like an acrylic dark green mixed with a little bit of white to lighten it JUST slightly. But who exactly was he? Where did he come from and why was he in my dreams? I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Maybe he was my guardian angel, myself in a past life, or maybe even a passing soul warning me of what was to come next. No, he was doubtfully any of that. But it's okay to have hopes right?

A deep voice cleared its throat, "Miss Dawnley, I'm going to have to ask you to participate or go the nurses' office."

I looked up to see a broad man with a five o'clock shadow on his chin. This man was the health teacher known as Mr. Shean.

"I-I'm just not feeling too well, I think I'll take you up on that offer for the nurses' office." I stood up and grabbed my bag as I walked out the door. I know I shocked Mr. Shean, I never miss class. But I couldn't help it, thinking about this dream was making me nauseous. I wondered down the hall to the nurses' office as quick as I could. But of course, just as I turn the corner, there sits Cora on her "special" tile.

"Hey runt." Cora teased and squinted her eyes. She was supposed to wear glasses, but refuses because she thinks they ruin your eyes even more. To each their own.

"Hey Cora." I replied with a slightly anxious tone.

"So, you're out of class, what happened? Did you wet yourself or something?" Cora laughed at her odd joke. I just rolled my eyes and sat quietly. It wasn't a funny joke, her ego was just bigger than her head sometimes.

"No, matter of fact I'm not feeling well. I'm going to the nurses." I pointed to the door in front of Cora labeled 'nurse'.

"Oh? For what exactly? You've never been sick during school." Cora stopped with the dumb witted jokes and looked at me like a worried mother.

"I'm not sure what is going on, just feeling nauseous, don't worry." My eyes wandered back to the door and I sighed.

"That's not really typical for you...Well, you enjoy that trip to your nurse. You know to text me if you need me." Cora closed her eyes and laid back against the wall behind her. She was a very odd best friend, but good at being exactly that.

"Yeah, thanks." I shook my head trying to ignore the oddness of the conversation and walked into the nurses' office. The office was new to me, I had never been there until now and it was like a whole new world. The light was bright until the back of the room where it was dimmed and another student was laid on a bed, probably trying to ease a headache. Instruments, candies, paper pads, and passing slips sat on the counter.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The nurse looked up from her computer and notebook and looked up at me with a warm smile.

"I'm not feeling so good, I think I might throw up soon." My hand went down to my stomach as a natural reaction of telling someone how I was feeling. I found myself staring at her eyes, they weren't like the ones in the dream, they were brown. Just brown.

"Alright, sit down. I'm going to take your temperature." The nurse stood up and pulled a thermometer from the drawer and put it to my forehead. When she pulled it away she looked at it and then put it next to the sink to wash it off with a cloth before she put it back away.

"Okay, 103. Do you have a parent that can come get you?" She sat down and began writing on the notepad she had at her desk. It was yellow and was blocked into different sections for different students, they were passes.

"Uh, yeah, my mom." I watched her hand, everything felt so much more advanced suddenly, like my sense changed.

"Okay, name?" She put her fingers to the keyboard and clicked on a tab with her mouse.

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