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As the girl start to rush before clock turn to 8 with books in her arms. She run to her locker and put her things. She take her science book and run again to her class.

As she sit at her place, she more choose to seat at back. She fix her glasses that was really not much big. All girls around the collage was really pretty and feminine but there is several that was a nerd one yet not pretty at all.

 All girls around the collage was really pretty and feminine but there is several that was a nerd one yet not pretty at all

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One of them was Tzuyu. Chou Tzuyu full name she had and her face was all cover with her glassess and her hoodie. All she wear almost everyday to collage was hoodie, shirt or even just jacket.

She not getting bullied by oh please no. She just too insecure by her own face and what people see her was just head down everytime she walk or even pass by. Friends? She had but as you can ser the nerd had one friends only.

Who? Myoui Mina and she really beautiful girl and elegant vibe. But why did she choose to friend with this nerd? Mina are pure heart, she wont choose person by their look but heart. As well she the one who talk to Tzuyu first. It was all happend when they high school.

But this two bestfriends were different. Two of them was clever, but their looks? Mina more to wear a skirt or short shirt. But what about Tzuyu? She torally oposite. Mind if i tell one more fact?

Mina already taken and obviously Jeon Wonwoo. The cold prince all around collage. Dont want to tell you guys how she get it but just wait till end if story. Right now Tzuyu just focus what their professor talk.

But suddenly all eyes on main door open loud revealing a tall guy panting. Professor put the marker and face the guy.

"Mr. Kim Mingyu. This is the third time you late on my class at morning. Shall i change the scheduals to afternoon instead morning since you late again and what your excuse today?"

"My excuse as today, ermm yesterday i was going out dinner time with my family till midnight so i get up late. But i made it to wake up earlier! The reason late was i forget to wash my shoes so im struggling looking my another shoes!"

"Long excuses and for the short i take was you forget to wash your shoes and struggle find you another shoes. But still i dont care! On recess, meet me at discipline room! Now go take your seat behind!"

He bow and quickly take his seat at behind. But what on earth beside Tzuyu?! Many chair at lab but he choose to seat beside her! It making her more hide her face with her face and hoodie.

 But what on earth beside Tzuyu?! Many chair at lab but he choose to seat beside her! It making her more hide her face with her face and hoodie

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