they fel in loevs

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soo peepee was loensly and eheg met a poopoo an thesuy fell in slvoes and mearrie d aater a day end o fstroy. they had nbawies whcina naems wee sbig q aand cat saboy btich ♥ 

aterf a day uof thesm baieng marired, wpoopoo was foundsn hcwaiwtn gon speepee and so thesuf divpreded and eidied. bi gq  and cat boy sabtuch wrere reall mda and killed peepee.

tye then had secs (swet  home lanbama) anfd then rembemr ed they cant habes baesbeis becaues theyre bosyts so teusjy adptogesd an aduialt virgin adn theuy had a trheseome and ogm theuy siad it wws  fun. thesy endefd i havign a poylglotk relatinsjgop andnd it a wsjd a nices day.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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