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Alexa's POV

I was walking down the hallway, trying to figure out where this stupid map is taking me.

Yeah, it's my first day.

I walked straight and bumped right into a wall. I winced and rubbed my forehead with my fingers.

"Ow!" I whined and I heard the wall chuckle.

Wait, since when did walls started laughing? That too, at me?

I looked up, meeting a pair of deep blue eyes. My gaze lowered down and met a very muscular chest where I had just bumped my head into. I stepped away quickly when I realized it was a guy. The level of embarrassment I was feeling made my cheeks burn.

"Sorry." I muttered, my voice barely audible and tried to walk past him but he blocked my way with his figure, making me bump into his wall like chest again.

That's when I actually looked up at his face. And hell, he was so good looking. Sharp jawlines and electric eyes and not to mention the smirk; definitely passed the 'Damon vibes test'.

"Newbie?" He asked, cocking his head to one side, his smooth voice stirring something inside me.

I looked down at my feet, looking away before he thinks of me as some creep. "You can say that. Now, if you'll just excuse me...?" Imumbled, trying to move past him again but he blocked my way.

See? Damon vibes.

"Wait. Let me show you to your class." He said, making me surprised. I looked up at him, unsure but still handed him my schedule. He looked at it and grinned.

"You have English first, but Mr David isn't in the school today, so you have an off period." He said folded the schedule paper before looking at me.

He seemed nice.

"Oh. Thank you." I smiled genuinely at him. There was a quite awkward silence between us as none of us spoke and moved. Thankfully, the silence was broke by him clearing his throat.

"I'm Felix." He said, stretching his hand for me to shake. I placed my tiny hand in his big one and shook it.

"Alexa." Then, I tried to take my hand back, but he won't let go. "Um..." I said, pointing at our hands. He smirked and pulled me towards him in a jerk, our noses touching and I blushed hard. He was staring deep in my eyes.

One little movement and our lips would mee--

"I'll see you around, Alexa." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He then kissed my back of hand, sending sparks everywhere and twirled me before letting go and walking away.

I blushed even harder looking at my hand that just got kissed by a very handsome man.

What the fuck just happened?!

The day went by quite peacefully. The lunch came sooner than I was expecting. seeing the crowd in the cafeteria, I came to the library for lunch. I had opened the lid of my lunchbox and suddenly, door opened with a bang, startling me and making the lib fall down. The librarian scowled at the person coming in.

I bent down and picked up lid up. I looked ahead and in front was me was the guy I had bumped into the hallway, Felix.

Relief washed over him as soon as he saw my face. He pulled a chair, scrapping the floor, making the librarian glare at me, and sat opposite to me.

"Oh, Cupcake. You had me worried." He breathed out. I raised my eyebrow at the nickname.


"Yeah. Come on, let's have lunch in the cafe together." He said. I shook my head.

"It's too crowded." I reasoned and the very next second, he was right beside me. I frowned at how comfortable and clingy he was around me and my frown deepened when I didn't feel weird around him even though all I know about him is his name.

"What are you doing?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He licked his lips as he looked at my lunch and the grinned at me.

"I love sandwiches."

We had lunch together and Felix really is nice and funny too. It didn't feel like we were strangers at all. It was almost like two old friends catching up.

The bell rang and hurriedly packed my stuff and waved him bye, walking out of the library and then to my next class.

I paused when I heard footsteps trailing behind me. I turned and saw Felix doing a very hilarious walk behind me. He smirked when his gaze caught mine. I snickered, shaking my head and continuing walking.

I stopped by the locker to place my lunchbox in and when I turned, the hallway was full of people giving me stares that made the hair on my neck stand.

There was a group of boys, all dressed in black jacket. They stared at me, up and down and smirked, licking their lips, giving me creepy looks. But they then immediately averted their gaze when they saw something behind me. I turned and saw Felix was still there.

Somehow, it made me feel a little safe.

But I also didn't miss how the girls were checking him out shamelessly.

When I reached my class, I turned and faced him. He smiled and chuckled.

"I'll see you around, Muffin." He left.

Another nickname?

After school, when I was walking out of the building, I saw the group of guys that I had seen earlier, staring at me.

Ignoring them, I started walking out. Soon, one of them came towards me, smirking creepily. As he opened his mouth to say something, got interrupted by Felix appearing out of nowhere.

"Back off already, Jackson. Don't you even think about it." He warned him.

What is he talking about?

"What are you now? Her boyfriend?" Jackson said with a roll of his eyes.

"Maybe I am. That's none of your business." Felix said. Jackson rolled his eyes again and left. I frowned towards Felix.

"Who is he?" I asked him. He scoffed.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. Don't you have a home to go to?" He arrogantly said, not looking at me.

What's with the tone?

I frowned at him and I sighed, turning around. "I do." I whispered and walked towards my house. I felt for a second that I saw a glint of regret on his face but it turned into blank immediately.

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