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The doors to the grand hall opened with a low boom, revealing the hordes of Hell waiting behind them. Sabrina straightened, rolling her shoulders back and holding her head high as she took her first step across the threshold. Her attendants moved behind her, lifting the train of her golden dress. She tried not to smile giddily as she moved toward the throne where her father and Lilith stood. She kept her eyes forward, although all she wanted to do was survey the crowd. How were they looking? Did they look happy to be here, to see her be crowned their Queen? Something pulled at the hem of her dress and she turned to see a demon kissing her skirt. She almost grinned. At least she'd confirmed some demon was happy to see her become Queen. She wanted to wave, to smile so much her cheeks hurt, but she kept her expression stone, exuding a subtle but resolute confidence.

She passed Beelzebub at the bottom of the stairs and struggled to avoid looking at him. She wanted to do something childish like stick her tongue out at him and taunt him for his loss. She treaded carefully, shoving down the desire to exclaim "You lost!" in Beelzebub's face. But a Queen must maintain her dignity and must treat her subjects with respect, as they did her. At least, that's what she had decided she would do. And Beelzebub was bowing to her, so she would be merciful today. She'd put their past conflicts behind her. After all, it was her coronation.

She lifted her skirts as she climbed the stairs. It would be a shame to ruin such a gorgeous dress. She couldn't thank Lilith and her tailors enough for it. They had outdone themselves. Although, she had to be honest that the wig and ruff weren't exactly her style. A little outdated. Yet she couldn't complain about the color-- the gold fabric highlighted her royal status.

She reached the top step and stared hungrily at the throne in all its golden glory. Behind her she heard clapping from her court and the hordes. Her lip twitched upward at the thrill of it. She met eyes with her father, draped in matching gold, and he gave her the tiniest nod of approval. He stepped toward her and offered his hand, which she took. Sabrina never thought she would stand hand-in-hand at Hell's throne with Lucifer, but here she was. And he appeared pleased, much to her relief. She surprised herself, realizing that she had been seeking his approval since he had gained his own body back. Moreover, she never imagined she would feel any sort of bond with him, but this felt like the beginning of one.

She finally turned her face toward the hordes below, scanning them. Pride welled in her chest. She made the hand sign they expected, and they burst into more thunderous applause. Every demon was under her reign, even Asmodeus and Beelzebub, and her father nor Lilith could challenge her authority now. Her victory was sealed. 

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