Chapter 1: A Very Normal Day

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The moment Silver woke up in his wooden shack, in the middle of the woods, he knew something was going to happen today. Something bizarre. 

The young man had recently turned 17, and had lived almost all his life in the woods. Actually he liked this lifestyle. It was... calm.

Not thinking much about his feeling, Silver got up and pulled out some food. Frozen meat. As usual. 

Silver spent his days setting traps so he could catch more food. When prey was enough, he put out more traps. When it was scarce, he put out a few, and ate what he had caught. This was an easy lifestyle.

His house, refined by boredom, was quite cozy. And apart from others, Silver liked when there appeared to be a hole in the roof. He had something to do.

While not doing anything, he spent his time in the library. HIS library. Now, this was the only place he disliked water in. Of course, if he took it in, it was fine. But if rain dared to drop in... Yeah, he got pretty mad. Twice, when the rain god got a single drop through the roof in Silver's library, the young grey-haired man (natural hair, don't tell me to re-evaluate my life choices, I won't anyways) climbed on the roof and yelled so loud that the rain actually went away. And he also scared off prey in a 20 mile radius. It was worth it though.

Apart from reading, Silver liked running. And he was really fast, I have to say. And quiet too. But only recently Silver had started training his upper body. Because he saw himself get chubby(no offense). 

Today, when going out for his morning run, he changed his path. Normally he would run a lap or two, but today, pulled by an unrecognized instinct, he ran to the nearby cliff that lead into(nowhere) a brilliant lake. Silver leapt into the lake. He had done this a few times. First one was accidental. Second one too.

But now, he ran, and jumped into the air(don't bellyflop, it'll hurt. A lot.) and fell down. It was a truly joyous feeling.

Thankfully, he was able to fall in pretty unpainfully. Only a bit. His palms now burned.

Silver(he actually named himself that, not his parents.) swam up to the surface. (These are pretty informative aren't they?) Now the young adult decided he would do this every morning. (Only at that time he didn't know he won't.)

And then, a squeal broke the silence. (Now, I know your thinking "Oh no, someone's in danger!", but actually it's just a weird animal that does that. Yes, I know, very interesting.)

Silver was already used to that. It happened every time he jumped, or fell into the lake. Now all he thought about, was about how to stop his palms from burning after hitting the water after falling around 100 feet.

He shrugged, and guessed the pain would sooner or later leave. But something about that squeal was weird... It sounded like... two?

Silver's mind soon forgot that and he started thinking about more practical things, like, how much food he has and how long will he last with it, how much exercise he'll do, how many traps he should put out today, what has made the prey lesser the last few days...

Oh right. For around a week now, prey has been becoming much less than usual. That was really weird. The nearby village had agreed that this was Silver's forest, and they still made food from trading more than from hunting and with the amounts that had been gone it was possible to feed multiple families. So the only logical solution was that (a (giant) dragon had inhabited the forest and was eating everything) there was some epidemic amongst the animals. And that is why Silver ALWAYS checked his food before eating. 

But almost none had shown any signs of disease.

Silver decided to go to town to trade, and maybe gather rumours. Since he hunted animals(with traps) and there were some good bounties for furs and similar stuff, he sometimes went to trade off everything he didn't need for food, building materials, trap components.

Now there was a while since he'd been in the village. The wagon he used to transport all the goods was almost full. Thankfully, he had paved a road through the trees. Silver put on a hat and cloak. He wasn't a favourite there, so it was better for him to conceal his identity.

When he arrived at the trading post, everyone had already noticed him anyways. At least the trader was happy to see him. But probably only for Silver's payloads.

Silver bargained a bit, and when both were satisfied, they exchanged valuables. Silver got money(a lot) and the trader got furs and other stuff(that I'm too lazy to search up on google. And also a lot.)

Silver then left for the market where he planned on buying food that could be used for a looooong time. He bought some bread(very nice) and a lot of canned food.

(And now I will throw some punks at Silver.)

When Silver was in the outskirts of the village when from an alley emerged four punks. Silver ignored them. The largest one stood in front of him. Silver stopped.

-Going somewhere, dog?- He snickered, and cracked his fists.

-Yes.- Silver looked startled.

-Hey look! He bought canned food! Probably dog food!- One of the others laughed. While they were all dying of laughter about this joke, Silver had already left.

Soon, the punks realized that Silver was away. And then they searched everywhere.

At the end, the leader clenched his fists and muttered. -How DARES that dog evade us! As clear as my name is Murray, I WILL smash that dog into the ground!-

And with that, the gang angrily stomped away.

Silver, by then was already on the forest trail. Funny that only he knew about it. It had saved him a lot. 

What Silver disliked most was the reminder that he was different. The reason why he had to stay in the forest. But he was too scared of what could happen if he fought those punks.

The young man sighed. He pulled off his hat, and on his head was the cause of his isolation...


AAAND, CUT! Yes, I am so evil that I put a cliffhanger. And I guess I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Ciao!

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