6 | Nino's birthday

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Monday in the morning. It was time to present their handicrafts and also Nino's birthday.
—Good morning, class, before presenting your projects in front of the class, we should sing happy birthday to Nino. —Ms. Bustier said
—Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Tous nos souhaits sont sincères
Pour ton anniversaire
Vos amis aujourd'hui
Ils se sont tous rassemblés
Votre bonheur nous espérons
Joyeux anniversaire, Nino! —Most of the class sang

—I'm sorry Nino, we are not good with French but we wish you a happy birthday. —Miranda said talking about Elena and herself
—Thank you anyway. Thank you everyone, you're my dudes. —Nino said

—Now, moving on. As I said before, you should present your project. Please, Tiago and Adrien, come to the front. —Ms. Bustier added
—Well,  Tiago is from Brazil so we decided to make a little statue representative of the marajó and tapajoara cultures, from the Brazilian regions of Karajá, Santarém and the Lower Amazon. —Adrien said
—That's a beautiful piece guys, did you do it all by yourself?
—Yes, I have experience with clay and pottery, so it was an easy work for me. —Tiago answered
—Well, congratulations, It looks just like the original one.

—Now, come on, Juleka and Miranda.
—I'm from Mexico so we decided to make a mask from the Tolteca culture. —Miranda talked first
—We made it with clay and when it dried we painted it brown. —Juleka added
—Excellent guys! I knew you were going to make such amazing projects. 

—Next pair, Lila and... who is your partner?
—I did it all by myself. —Lila said
—Okay, explain us what you did.
—I made a painting of Egyptians in those days. It took me all weekend but it was worth it.
—Are you sure you do it with any help? —Ms. Bustier asked
—She didn't do it. She bought it, see?          —Marinette said while showing her phone
—I inspired on the real art, I swear I did it.
—I'm sorry, Lila. The idea of the project was to make it yourself, not to buy it. You won't have an A+.

Lila went to her seat growling. She was furious with everyone especially Marinette.
—This is strike two, people. One more and you would never want to bother me again. —Lila said in low voice to herself

Time for recess. Adrien and Nino were in a bench while the rest of them (except for Chloe, Sabrina and Lila) where in another one, far from them.
—Okay guys, are you ready for Nino's party? —Alya said
—Of course!
—Can't wait!
—I'll explain the plan briefly because I've already sent you the indications by message. I will go with Nino to the movies as a date but there will be a failure and we will have to go, so I'll take him to the place of the party. You need to hide and then shout 'surprise', deal?
—Got it. —Everyone  said
—But how you would get a failure in the theater?   —Rose asked
—Don't worry, I have my contacts.
—Marinette would be in charge of the place while I'm not there.
—You can count on me, Alya.

—By the way, do you know if Adrien is going?                    —Marinette asked and chuckled
—He said yes but he doesn't know at what time.

Adrien made a sign to tell Alya that Nino was going their way.
—Nino is coming, don't say anything about you-know-what. —Alya said
—Hi, baby. Do you make plans with Adrien?
—I think. I invited him to a sleepover but he doesn't know if his father is gonna let him.
—Don't worry, I hope Adrien can convince him.
—You're such an adorable couple. —Rose said
—We will leave you alone, lovebirds. —Alix said

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now