For those who are tough, seem tough, or have a tough exterior, they have experienced something something to change them in an evolutionary way. This is one of our faults and our salvation. When we are crushed, betrayed, and disappointed by our enemies, who were considered friends, family, soul mates, or strangers, we have our emotions diminished. Eliminated. Slayed. Murdered. We just want to escape. We want revenge. We want freedom from this madness rallied with anger, sadness, and insanity. We have primal instincts to retaliate, to retreat, or raise our defenses. We hide our emotions from society. You bite your tongue to hold back your words. You blink tears back. They won't understand, but you do this because you are strong. Yet if they chip your soul, will it flake? Yes. If you push them to their limits, will they not fall? They will fall hard, getting scraps, cuts, and bruises. Then, when you least expect a retaliation, they will rise up after a rest. Then, you know you better retreat because after they are re-energized, they will be stronger and angry. For this is what makes us truly strong. This process is what makes us truly strong. Our ability to fake happiness, fake emotions, and be strong.