When She first Saw It

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After our date we came home and flopped onto the bed. It was about 10:30 pm so we were both pretty tired.

"That was nice :) we should do this more often." Bri said in her cute lil voice.
"Yeah we should!" I replied.

I hadnt had a shower that day so i figured that i should. I excused myself and got into the shower while she was on her phone in the bedroom.

5 minutes later i stepped out the shower to realise that i hadnt gotten a towel. i got a hot feeling in my chest when i realised Bri had to get me one and possibly see me naked.

"B-Bri?" i exclaimed
"yes bubby?" she answered

i love it when she calls me bubby. shes been calling me that ever since we've gotten close, even before she was my girlfriend.

"can you please get me a towel?"

i heard her footsteps approaching and suddenly get a bit nervous because i'm naked so i covered my parts with the door.

when she handed the towel, she must've nudged the door open and she could see my dick. she just stared. i didnt close the door because i was fine with her seeing my dick. she just hadnt seen it before.

she stared for about 10 seconds until i say "t-thanks" and she nods with a flustered smile and goes back to the bedroom.

after i'd finished in the bathroom i cuddled her and she held me tighter than usual.

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