After All

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Saturday night for a lot of people it means leisure day to spend with family, friends or their lover.

Wendy is indifferent. She stand near the restroom inside the cinema, wearing her over-worn favorite hoodie and a pair of matching sneakers completed her boyish look for tonight. Yes, she wear that hoodie like countless times when she goes out. It is her favorite hoodie from her favorite person in the world. That person gifted this for her and it does become her treasure after all. Hands busy holding both of her girlfriend's bag and her own smartphone along with the cola she's been drinking the entire movie, she waited for her girl who went to the restroom right after the movie ends.

She's pretty much busied herself with her social media, scrolling through her phone even though she can clearly see a 'No Notification' written on her screen. Before a sigh escaped her lips, a familiar voice rang through her ears, shivers ran down to her spine and she can't take her eyes off the woman who walked pass her and stand across her with another woman.

"Do I look okay?" The woman asked.

"You always look fine in everything you wear, Bunny." A fine looking woman with a bear-like smile answered.

"True. You always look fine in everything you wear, Rene." Wendy quietly mumbled under her breath as she kept her gaze on the woman she called Rene.

Wendy unconsciously smile at the figure, currently curious with the bear-like woman clearly looked like. What Wendy didn't expect is the woman she called Rene, staring straight back at her with a slight smile on her face.

Right before her curiosity got the best of her, a warm velvety voice with arms around her arm made her drink spilled on her hoodie and snapped her out of it.

"Unnie! Sorry for making you wait too long. I need to touch up so that you won't look anyone but me~" A taller woman who hold Wendy's arm said.

"Joy-ah, you know that I won't look anyone but you." Wendy said.

"Greasy!" Joy giggled and immediately drag Wendy away with a smile on her face.

"Only for you. Yah, I need to wash my hoodie again because of you." Wendy giggled along yet her eyes looking for Irene's, only to find the latter looking away with a flash of hurt on her face.

"Let's just buy you a new one. I'm sick of that hoodie. You always wear them anywhere and everywhere, unnie!" Joy playfully exclaimed.

"You know that this is my favorite hoodie, right?" Wendy frowned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine." Joy sighed and tighten her embrace on Wendy's arms.

"That's my girl, now let's go home since I need to wash this as quick as possible." Wendy pecked Joy's cheek yet her eyes looking for another pair that didn't even look back at her before.

Their eyes met before Wendy left the place with Joy. Yes, Wendy looking at the flustered face of Irene. Maybe it is because of Wendy and Joy's little banters? Or because Wendy indirectly said that she choose her favorite hoodie over a date with her girl?

Little did they know, at the exact hour, exact minute and exact second with their current lovers in their arms both of them sincerely wished, "I'll always wish for your happiness, Wannie." "I'll always wish for your happiness, Hyun."

Well, maybe actually Wendy indeed choose her favorite hoodie over her date.

It is from her favorite person after all.

It is from her past-lover after all.

Yes, It is from the one and only Irene she just met after all.


Sorry for any grammatical errors and enjoy! You can visit me on my asianfanfics page as well. See you next time!

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