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It starts when I was young.

My family attend a party of a wealthy man.

As a 12 year old I can't do nothing but to sit and ignore the conversation of people on their business and properties.

As time passes I've got bored and recalled some memories.One of them is.

My grandfather always told me
"Dear Moirai,when I was 12 like your age I've met your grandma,even on such a young age we found happiness and love.Our parents didn't want us to have a relationship.But love finds a way to bring us together.So my child be patient till your heart beats for someone.Even going to many paths and hindrances,fear not.Love will always find a way"

I've stopped thinking about what my grandfather always says.

My heart starts pounding furiously as soon my eyes takes a glimpse on someone.

My gaze landed on a fair maiden on the hall that night.

I was dumbfounded by looking at her.
Stunned by her beauty and elegance.
Her smile send shiver down my spine.

I can't bare to stare at her no more.
I built up courage.

"You must go and ask her for a dance "
My concience told as music starts playing
I'd stand up and walk to her.

I tapped her shoulder.
"Miss can I offer you a dance?"

"Sure! You may lead the way"
She responded as she bids farewell to her acquaintances

We've laugh and giggle through the dance, chatting while looking to each other's eyes.

Every word and laughter can't help but to bring me smile.

As soon the song ended she smiled and bid goodbye.

I was stunned so I can't stopped her to go.


"What's your name?"

She stopped and looked back

"Freyja" and smiled

I smiled and recite her name on my mind all over again

"I like you"my mind told me to say it but she's already gone

I've woken up over a loud thud.

It turns out I've fallen on the floor

My body aches as soon I stood

"Moirai, you're going to be late if you don't wake up!" My sister shouted while knocking the door loudly "I'm going to be late too so hurry up".

I immediately rush in the bathroom, fearing my sister will tell I overslept on my father.

I've brush my teeth and have a quick bath.

Pick random clothes on my wardrobe at rush on the kitchen to have a bite.

"You've overslept"

I've look at her while chewing my toast

"I swear to God if I'm late on the first day of highschool, I'm going to tell dad" she stared intently at my eyes. Telling me that I should fear her.

"Be quick I'll meet you at the car" and walks away and slammed the door loudly as she walks out.

I chewed faster and drink my coffee straight.

And run out the house grabbing my belongings and keys along the way.

Making sure the door is locked. I hopped on the car and start the engine.

I drove fast to get to the school quicker.

Ignoring the fact that my sister is screaming on the top of her lungs.

"Fuck you Rai! Are you going to kill me?!" She scold as she hops out the vehicle

"Maybe?,but you said you're going to be late" I've defended

"I told you I'm going to be late not I want you to kill me!"

"But atleast you're not late,now be a good girl and go to your room,or maybe find a friend to talk to" looking at her directly in the eyes.

"Fine, Stupid" as she walks off and chatted to a bunch of girls

I chuckled and grabbed my bag, locking the car and walks to the 1st class of the day.

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