Fred Weasley x reader - classic

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hi guys, so um I decided to write some random imagines to kind of take a break from "the wizard queen", mostly based on things I've seen on tik tok, I will also be taking requests so comment any that you have :)
inspiration-@simpfourtheweasleys on tiktok
extra: y/n=your name y/l/n=your last name h/c=hair colour
song- classic by MKTO (when you see *play song* that's when you should start it-only if wanted)
"Ugh!" You sighed, running your hands through your h/c hair.
"What is it?" Hermione asked, looking up from her book.
"I can't concentrate on this potions homework. The ball is in less than a week and not a single person has asked me. I just ask me."
"Like my brother?" Ginny nudged you with a smirk playing on her lips.
"I don't think Charlie will be going to the Hogwarts ball Ginny," you chuckled.
"You know I mean Fred, don't even start," the red-head said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at you.
"I don't want Fre-" you began to argue with her, but a small cough interrupted you.
"Hi Harry!" Hermione smiled, eyes locked on the boy behind you.
"Hi Hermione, Ginny," he said, making funny blush a bit.
"Hi..." she mumbled, suddenly becoming very focused on her Astrology book.
"Y/n, there's someone waiting for you, I very much doubt Madam Pince would be particularly happy if the thing happened in here, so if you could follow me," he took your arm and dragged you up from your chair.
"Ugh Potter where are you taking me?" You moaned as he continued to pull you down the corridor. Hermione and Ginny we're behind you, sharing knowing glances at eachother which made you confused.
"Wait!" Harry said quickly.
"Well are we nearly there?" You asked, trying to shake yourself from Harry's right grip.
"Yep!" He said.
Then he made a sharp turn and you found yourself going down the winding stairs towards the courtyard. As the cold air hit your face, you could make out a large group of people in a circle.
"Make way!" Harry screamed to them. A parting split in the middle and there you could see three of the Weasley boys.
"What are you guys up to?" You muttered as Harry shoved you into the middle.
"Ah y/n," Fred's eyes lit up when he saw you. That's when you noticed the microphone in his hand.

*play song now*

"Ay! Where's the drums?" He shouted, and Ron started to play.
"What the-" you started, but that's when George began to play the guitar and Fred kicked eyes with you once more.

"Woo girl you're shining, like a fifth avenue diamond..." he made his way towards you, never breaking eye contact.
"And they don't make you like they used to, you're never going out of style..." he noticed your shivering body and immediately threw his quidditch hoodie over. As you put it over your head, he carried on.
"Woo, pretty baby, this world might've gone crazy!" He twirled his finger bear the side of his head, mimicking the crazy motion.
"The way you saved me, who could blame me? When I just wanna make you smile," he grabbed your hand and spun you around, pulling you to his chest. You looked straight up into his eyes.
"I wanna thrill you like Michael, I wanna kiss you like Prince," his eyes fluttered down to your lips, but he was that quick you almost thought you imagined it.
"Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye, like Hathaway, I wrote a song for you like this..."
That's when the crowd of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and even the few stray slytherins joined in as if it was rehearsed.
"You're over my head, I'm out of my mind, thinking I was born in the wrong time. One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic, baby you're so classic..."

*pause song*

Fred lifted your head with his finger and looked you straight in the eyes. Oh those eyes, you could get lost in them forever...
"Y/n y/l/n..." he began, his nervousness slightly showing and pulling you out of your imagination, "would you do me the honours of being my date to the Yule ball?"
"Fred Weasley, I would love to!" You giggled, throwing your arms over his neck.

He lifted you up and span you around, ecstatic that he was going to the ball with you. The whole crowd around you cheered and your lips found there way to his. It was perfect...

A/N- thank you for reading. Share, vote and comment please :) I was thinking I might start a fanfic for fred after I've finished the story I'm currently writing, what do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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