Chapter 8:[Chance Encounter] P3 + extra....

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[Angelina Dalles...the ripper in red]

All of this....seemed like a good idea at was all set up perfectly, all I had to do was make one small incision in the neck area. If you keep going, without looking back then you'll truly accheive happiness in life. I must keep that in mind, there's no need to think about what others think about you after this...

"Ahh, there she is now." the reaper, that I had met, finally showed his colors to the rest of them.

"Grell Sutcliff? You look different, from when I had met you before." Ciel,stated pondering at his form. "In fact, you look so different that it's almost unrecognizable had it not been for the fact that you worked so closely to my Aunt."

"Now, you're just being nice~ Stop it already!"

"I have to hand it to you....I didn't think that you would use my own sister, as bait....Madame Red." his head around slowly, to face me. "There only could've been three. You, Grell, and the prostitute that you killed that I couldn't save."

"You clever clever, brat. How come if you were so clever, to know that it would be us, you didn't tell your sister? She wouldn't have been here if you had told her about it, correct? Or are you just that kind of child, that wanted to protect her from the truth?"

"Oh no, Helci knew that you were on the list. I don't hide anything from her, although I should've. Once she saw that your name was there, do you want to know what she said to me? Huh, Madame Ripper?"

All eyes had been placed at me at that very moment. It was an ambience, waiting to be broken. They all waited for a response from me. Now, for some reason, I felt as though...that I had been the one who truly lost....even when with just... one.... Small...incision.... in the would be all over, like that. So then, why was I wasting all this time just standing here? Why, when I'm already so very close to I hesitating? Or is it just that  I....

"I-I said...."

Once Helicie began to talk again, I became frightened. She waited all that time not saying a single thing,  I thought that she had been sleeping.

"....Don't be silly, Ciel....Auntie Red would never do something so bad...."

The both of them, Ciel and Helicie, together had then said to me.... "She loves us too much."

"Love is a strong word, you two wouldn't understand what love is...not even if you had isn't something that's everywhere. It's only given to people, that God has chosen to give it to. And yet, while I gave my love to you, and to your mother, and to everyone around me....I never had anyone truly give that love back to me..."

As the words I had said came out from my mouth, the more and more painful it was for me to relive each moment that I had been living each and everyday...the day that haunted me everywhere I went...

"Sebastian, I order you to kill them. My Aunt and Grell."  Ciel reached for his eye patch, and revealed his 'scar'. A pentagram....was etched into his right eye.

Then it was the same with Helci then....that's why, the both of them hid it so....he was a demon,

"Yes, my lord..."

"We all, the three of us...could've played last time.... But you've taken, everything! I'm not taking it easy on you, just because you're children! You both should've never been born!"

It all happened so fast, but yet so slowly at the same time. Filled up with all the rage, I could've chosen to end her life quickly...but I had acted irrationally. Instead of slitting her throat, my arm shot up into the air as it came down nearing her skull....

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