𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟

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"Okay, so the plan is to fix all of this."

Mike and William gave me an odd look.

"What I mean is to make sure everything goes back to how it's supposed to be. Back to having William dead and Mike missing/dead."

"Okay love I understand that but how will that work?"

"If I time-traveled to the future doesn't that mean that there should be another one of me somewhere on this earth?" William asked.

Mike raised his eyebrows.

"He does have a point cause the last time I saw William was a few years ago and he looked pretty old."

"Hmm so this might be hard to say but that would mean we would have to kill present-day William," I suggested.

I was expecting William to be in shock at us having to kill the future him but his reaction shocked me.

"Ooo this will be quite the experience of killing myself but in a different way."

Mike and I shared a very concerned look.

"But there is one issue," I spoke.

The two guys looked at me.

"And what would that be?"

"We have no clue on where other William would be like he can be anywhere."

Mike grinned.

"Not quite."

"You see I made a deal with him."

"Damn I must have been desperate to make a deal with you Mike." William cockily said.

Mike scoffed.

"So what was the deal?" I asked.

Mike turned and looked at me.

"After the first month of him going missing one night, he appeared at my door begging me to help him."
"And I didn't want to help him, he deserved everything bad to happen but I had the light of the best idea."

"I knew he didn't have any money so I told him every other week I would pay him some money to keep him alive and on his feet. In exchange, I have to know where ever he is at all times."

"So I put a tracker on him."

"Ah, that's a pretty fair deal." William agreed.

"Okay, so we need to find him."

William put his hand on my back.

"That will have to wait, it's getting way too late to go out and find me. Plus it won't take long for your friend to see that your missing."

I sighed.
"Your right William we'll have to continue this tomorrow."

We all got up from the couch and walked over to the front door.

"Thanks, Mike for letting us stay for more than 5 minutes." I joked.

Mike smiled.
"Ha, no problem (y/n)."

William and I were about to walk out of the house when Mike stopped me.

"(Y/n) here is my number, call me when you want to meet up to discuss more of the plan." He whispered.

"Don't bring William though I want to talk to you privately about everything you're going to get into."

I nodded my head.
I grabbed the card and walked out of the house.
The air was cold and stiff but yet something about it was beautiful.

I couldn't help but look up at the stars.

"Hey, love are you going to get into your car, or are you going to continue to stare at the sky?"
William asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Ah yes sorry."

I sped walked over to the car and unlocked it.
I slumped down into the driver's seat.

"What's wrong love you seem distraught?"

I turned to William looking at him with my tired eyes.

"I'm just upset about one thing about the plan."

"Is it the part where we have to kill the other me?" He asked.

"No-well yes that too but...." I paused.

"To fix all of this we are missing out on doing a few more things."

I bit my lip, feeling tears start to erupt in my eyes.

"Such as you and Mike having to somehow die a-and I can't lose you already."

Tears flowed down my face mid-sentence.

"E-especially whe-"

I was then abruptly interrupted by William.

(Finally, this is the moment that everyone has probably been waiting for.)

William had stopped me from finishing my sentence with a passionate kiss.
My eyes widened but I soon melted into the kiss.

William pulled away from the kiss.

"(Y/n) you have no idea on how long I've been wanting to do that for."

I slyly smiled.
I grabbed William's tie and pulled him into a deep kiss.

William moved one of his hands to my cheek and the other moved to my waist.
And my hands moved to his hair which was very soft surprisingly.

As our kisses became more and more passionate almost to the point where I was on the verge of moaning but William pulled away before I could.

I looked into his eyes and I had never seen such lust in them.

"My love no matter how much I didn't want our little make-out session to end I think we should get back home before it gets too late."

I frowned.
"Your right but did we have to stop?"

William chuckled.

"I see you really enjoyed that."

I nodded my head.
"But it is almost midnight and I'm exhausted."

I started the car and drove away from Mike's house.

For the rest of the drive, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss William and I had.
It was amazing but I kind of wished it wasn't in Olive's old car.

I don't think she will be that happy when she finds out.

"You know love you are a pretty good kisser." William randomly said.

My face was lit red.

"I-I-shut up."

William laughed at how flustered I was.
We finally arrived back at the house we were staying at.

I unlocked the front door and walked in.
William also walked in close behind me.

"Hey (y/n)?" William asked.

I turned around and looked up at William.

"Yes, my love," I said mocking him.

He smiled at me.

"Do I still have to sleep in a separate room?"

(Ahhhhh I'm sorry if this chapter was too short and bad. I just quickly did this in about an hour. School has been a bitch to me and I have really been stressed about school work but I felt extremely guilty that I haven't posted anything in forever so I did this quick one to post.)

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