Chaper 1

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(It's a Sunday morning and you just moved from Virginia to los angels California and you start school tomorrow)

Mom: hey y/n exited for school tomorrow

Y/n: Not really Im kinda nervous to start tomorrow

Mom: yeah you'll be ok, we'll go wash up before dinner it will be ready soo!

Y/n:  okay!

( you guys eat dinner and it finally comes time for you to go to bed)

Next day:

*ring*  *ring* *ring* *ring*
Y/n: OMG THIS STUPID CLOCK *throws clock at wall*


Y/n: The clock won't shut up!!

Mom: just click the button! Get ready for school I'm gonna drop you off

Y/n: Okay okay

(Drives to school)

*walks in school and sees everyone staring*
Jonny: Hey what's up

Y/n: oh hi *you look at him weird*

Jonny: so you new around here

(You guys start walking to class together)

Y/n: y yeah yeah I'm new

Jonny: yeah well I've been here if you couldn't tell

Y/n: *whispers under breath* (uhmhm)

Jonny: well this is my class gtg

Y/n: okayyy byee *you say sarcastically*

*you walk to your right class and than lunch starts you see this guy sitting alone so you decide since you think he's pretty cute that your gonna go sit with him maybe you guys could be friend*

Y/n: Hey, mind if I sit here?

Daniel: oh hey, o oh yeah all yours

Y/n: Okay great thanks *you smile* well what's your name?

Daniel: oh my names Daniel and yours?

Y/n: oh my name is "your name"

Daniel: that's a pretty name

Y/n: aww thank you *you blush a little*, well why are you sitting all alone you look upset

Daniel: pff me no totally not *he says sarcastically*

Y/n: Uhmhm so I'm supposed to believe that nothings wrong hmm

Daniel: haha no just some girl problems but I'm all good.

Y/n: Oh yeah.. *you think "dose he have a girlfriend?!"*

Daniel: yeah see that girl over there *points to ally*

Y/n: oh yeah, what about her?

Daniel: well she's my problem see we broke up a little bit ago but I can't get over her

Y/n:  ohh yeah.. "you say kinda hurt"

(The bell rings)

Y/n: well that's the bell got to go!

Daniel: okay bye than see you!! *automatically stares at ally while he gets up*

Y/n: you think to yourself "omg the only attractive one here is hung over some other girl great! , But there is also that Jonny guy he was nice"

( school ends and you walk home because your mom is at work)
Daniel sees you and yells (YOUR NAME) "you get scared to you jump"

Y/n: oh shit you scared me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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