Hello, again

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Allie grinned at the others as she reached the door, she mumbled out 'just a moment ya,' as she swings the door open. Her heart jumping and then stopping a few beats as she stares at the person on the other side of the door.

"Oi blondie, whos at the door-" Franky stops as she comes around and sees who's standing infront of the blonde. Shock floods across her face as she feels herself steel in her spot.

The person on the porch smiled at the two in front of them and sighed, "Hello. Long time no?"


Franky stands there for a moment, shock flooding her body as she looks at the person on the other side of the door.

"No fucking way." She whispers, taking a tentative step forward. "No fucking way." She says again this time louder, drawling attention to herself.

"Who's at the door dear?" Debra asks as she wipes her hands on a tea towel coming around the side and taking a look at the open door.

She drops the towel and covers her mouth, a gasp leaving it as she does.

The person at the door looks at the three woman infront of them. It's been awhile since she seen any one of them. It's been to long and to much time, but a part of the person hopes their not to late.

"I know I'm some odd years late. But, um, may I come in?" The person directed the question to Allie, who's face has gone white.

"Huh-um. Ye-ah." The blonde says, stuttering through her sentence. Stepping back and widening the door some.

As the person steps into the house, giving a concerned look to the blonde as they pass by, the rest of the house quiets quickly and different forms of shock spread through the room. The news still played on, showing pictures of the dead and injured inmates of Blackmoore prison from the riot. Joan Fergusons pictures being shown in all the mess. The person looks at the tv a rush of victory runs through them.

"Bloody hell I'm seeing ghost!" Boomer pops off as she falls back into the chair behind her. The person turning to the woman and smirking as they shove their hand into their pockets.

"You and me both booms." Maxine agrees as she looks at the person standing in the room.

Everyone once more grew quiet, trying to understand what they're seeing. Trying to comprehend that the 'ghost' wasnt really a ghost.

"Bumble, is that really you?" Richard asks as he struggled to stand with his cane.

The person turns to the old man and smiles, "Yeah pops, it's really me." The person says as they step forward and gives the man a hug. Richard smiled widely as he wraps his arms around his daughter for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Bloody hell it really is you!" Franky says stepping forward and ripping the woman out of Richard arms and pulled into hers.

"If I didnt know any better, I'd think you'd want me Frank's."

"Ah piss off you ole' cow." Franky says with a smile as she pulls back and look at the woman. "How, how are you here. We thought, I thought-"

"Its a long story. And well I'd love to tell it. Theres just one thing I need to do first." Bea says as she looks at everyone, her eyes lingering on Allie as she does so.

"She been a right mess." Franky whispers as she catches on what the older woman wants to do.

"Her and I both." Bea says as she goes to move towards the blonde.

"Use the back room on the left. Take as long as you need."

"Thank you." Bea says as she walks up to Allie and reaches a hand out. Hoping the woman takes it.

Hello, again Where stories live. Discover now