Chapter 2 - Eraserhead has a son?!

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-few days later-

we were outside in the back yard of our house, suddenly I felt horrible pain in my back "AHHHHH" I was screaming in agony "Izuku what's wrong!" Aizawa was out on patrol while Mic was here "AHHHHHHH" I wasn't able to pay attention to anything going on "Izuku!!" Mic ran over to me holding me in his arms, he was starting to get worried because it was going on for 10 minutes. soon all I could see was black

-the next morning-

I woke up feeling weird but really warm, I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness "PAPA!" I heard the door open "Why can't I see anything" he walked up to me and touched me "why can't I see you" he grabbed my two wings and opened them up "woah what are those" I looked at the wings "Its your quirk" I looked at him shocked "But im quirkless" he smiled "Seems like you were just a late bloomer" I smiled 

-10 years later (Present)-

"Izuku wake up or your dads going to be late for work!" I woke up to the sound of papa, (Mic) I got out of bed and into my U.A uniform "Coming!" I ran downstairs to see Shokyo, Papa, and dad eating breakfast "Sorry I slept through my alarm" dad still looked tired as always "You can have a shower at the school" I nodded "now eat" I looked at my food and started eating "Come on kid we have to go" I finished eating and got into the car with dad.

once we arrived I got out of the car first and he drove to the teacher car parks, I had already been here plenty of times because of dad so I know my way around the school. I went straight to the teachers shower because the student ones are broken "Morning Izuku" I waved "Taking a shower? shouldn't you have taken one before you got here" I turned my head and smiled "Yeah I kinda woke up late" she sighed "the key is too the left of the shower" I smiled "Thanks Midnight" I grabbed the key and unlocked the shower.

I took a shower washing my hair and wings, I got dressed and went out locking the bathroom on my way behind me "Aizawa how much sleep did you get?" I looked over at dad "4 hours" we both answered "You both got four hours of sleep" we nodded "You guys need to sleep more" I walked away and went to the class room. when I opened the door I saw utter chaos "Ahem" I cleared my throat "Our teacher is on his way" only three boys sat down and so did I "How do you know who our teacher is" a guy with glasses and blue hair questioned, I didn't respond because dad was standing at the door.

the class turned towards the door "That took you 10 seconds. Not good enough" I sighed while the rest of the class went to their seats "I want you to all know, that I hate all of you" the four of us that were used to him didn't really care to much because we knew that was a lie "Sir that is very disrespectful" the glasses guy stood up "Tenya Iida am I correct?" he shook his hand up and down "Yes sir" dad looked him in the eyes "Sit down" The Tenya guy sat back in his chair "Grab a uniform from the changing rooms and meet me outside" the others didn't move from their spots but the four of us who knew better ran their.

"Last one there has to do whatever zawa says!" Bolts yelled at us "Your on!" I yelled back racing him their without flying, the last one at the changing rooms was Bolts "Hay that's not fair! I started the race" I chuckled "Oi nerds, hurry up or zawa will get mad!" we quickly got dressed into the school uniform and ran outside before dad got there "Lucky us, we got here before him" we all looked over to Kacchan "where are those damn extras" he had a really mad look so we decided to back away "You think he's going to explode?" I whispered to them "Mhm" we kept our distance from him till dad got here "Hey what's up with bakugou" we looked behind us and saw dad "he's going to explode" dad deactivated Kacchan's quirk and stood with us keeping his distance.

"Dad do you think this is the best idea" he looked at me "No, he will definitely break a wall or a few bones" we all looked at him "Dad! Zawa!" we all said "fine" he used his scarf and wrapped it around Kacchan "OI LET ME GO" he looked at us "Kacchan" he started to calm down "Ill let you do anything to Denki if you calm down" Kacchan gave a devilish smile "ZAWA!!" Bolts started running away with Kacchan running behind him "really dad, that's the best you could come up with" before dad could answer we could hear bolts screaming and him activating his quirk "He's gonna be dumb again" Shark and I sighed hanging our heads down "Lets just start".

everything was the same as the anime apart from izuku's quirk and pretty much everything he did. the running he got 2nd place, side steps 1st place (He just stretched out his wings), grip strength 4th, and ball toss 3rd. Over all he came 2nd and mineta came last.

"Everyone back to the class" I got dressed into some pj's and quickly flew to the classroom so I could hide under the teachers desk and sleep. once I got there some pillows where already there waiting for me "Dad knows me too well" I got under and curled up into a ball having my wings around me, I was almost asleep when the doors opened and people started to walk in "hey where did that green haired boy go?" I could hear a lot of people asking questions "Ugh not again" I heard Kacchan's voice, I could hear foot steps walking towards me "Izu were in class come on you have to learn" I started groaning "How much sleep did you get" Shark asked "4" they sighed "Your papa is coming in to teach now Zawa will be in the corner also sleeping" I said ok and opened up my wings a little so I could see my surroundings "Ok class I'm going to sleep" 

they all started speaking "Sir you can not do that!" it was the Iida guy again "I can do what I want" the door opened "I will be your English teacher!" I could hear papa's voice, I saw dad getting back into his sleeping bag and laying down going to sleep "Sir" "Yes" "Could you tell us were the green haired boy is" papa looked at my desk and sighed, he walked over to me and knelt "You tired?" I opened my wings up and nodded "i've taught you about the stuff for the first half on the year right?" I nodded again "Ok then you can sleep" I closed my wings again "He is busy" "Sir is he under that desk" I didn't hear anything "He is not aloud to get special treatment!"

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