Chapter 2: Until Morning

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Fort Owkes

1:23 AM:

"This house Detective. We need to get somewhere and be quiet, or else they will get to us." Kane said, and Yaz caved in. She pulled into a drive way, he got out manually lifting the garage door up and she pulled into the garage. He closed it and she turned the car off, "Maybe it's food here. I'm starving."

She popped the trunk and he grabbed a duffel bag. "We just need one bag. We gotta preserve." She said stopping him from grabbing another bag. She closed the trunk, walked in front of him with her gun out in front of her as they entered the house. "Hello!"

"What you doin?" He asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"Well if they in here they gone come out at some point so why not get it out the way now-"

"Hands up or imma shoot." A soft island accent said the moment Yaz felt the barrel of a gun being pressed against her temple. She had already had a second gun pointed at Kane.

"I-I'm detective Yazmin-"

"I don't care who you are, ever heard of knocking?" She asked and Kane laughed

"We didn't think anyone was alive." Yaz replied giving him a cold stare.

"Y'all ain't got them resurrected people with y'all do y'all?" She asked making Yaz laugh.

"I know you." Kane said aiming his gun at her.

"Okay so that mean point a gun at her while she has a gun to my head?!" Yaz shouted

"If you know me then you know I know more than you think, and if you don't put that gun down imma shoot her and then kill you." She said and Kane lowered his gun. "How many of you are there?"

"Just us two." Yaz responds.

"We don't want no trouble, it's gettin dark we just wanna be safe."

"Yea me too, and the more people around the more asses to cover and I only like to cover my own ass."

"What's your name?" Yaz said slowly turning around with her hands up.

"Zaina, everybody calls me Zay." She replied.

"I'm Yaz, this is Kane." She said retrying her introduction. "I think we would be more help than liability. We have weapons, ammo, a car, and we both can fight. Please just put the gun down and let us help you."

"Either of you been bit?" She asked

"No neither of us." Yaz replied quickly, Zaina sighed dropping her arm back to her side. "Thank you."

"Come on." Zaina said waving for them to follow her.

"You have an accent." Yaz said. "You from around here?"

"No, my sister was arrested here, she called I came to bail her out and when I got there she and everybody else was some kinda resurrected  flesh eating bitches." She explained. "I barely got out, I was stuck in that courthouse for two days."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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