Crush On You Ep. 12 - (A MiChaeng FF Story)

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**It's already eleven yet Mina still couldn't find the right position to sleep, so she decided to check if Chaeng is still in the living room writing her school paper.**

**She got out of the room and see a sliver of light coming out from where Chaeyoung is. Then she smiled. Maybe she needs something to nibble. She thought.**

**She carried with her several cookies in a bowl, and two glasses of orange juice. She'll join her for a while, so she won't feel tired and alone.**

**But to her surprise, Chaeng was already asleep. Half body almost lying on their coffee table, left arm used as her pillow, and only exposing the right side of her profile.**

**Mina walked towards Chaeng and sat down beside her before she rested the tray on the floor.**

**She put her hand on Chaeng's shoulder and caressed it before she spoke.**

Mina: Chaeng? Are you done with your paper?

**Chaeng didn't seem to feel and hear her.**

Mina: Chaeng. Are you done already?

**She repeated.**

**Chaeng half-opened her eyes, thinking if she's just dreaming or what. But when she saw Mina sitting next to her, she immediately sat up straight.**

Chaeng: Shit! I fall asleep. I'm not yet done.

**She struggled to retrieve her phone at the other side of the table because her reflexes were still adjusting from being in her dreamland and sitting in the living room.**

Mina: You still have a lot to write?

**Eleven-fifteen on her phone. She put it down and faced Mina.**

Chaeng: Not really. Just a couple of paragraphs more and I'm done. I guess my eyes gave in several minutes ago, and I didn't notice I've already fallen asleep.

Mina: Why don't you eat something first? I prepared this for you.

**Mina picked up the tray beside her and placed it in front of them.**

**Chaeng smiled, couldn't hide how this sweet gesture makes her giddy.**

Chaeng: Wow!

**She said before she picked up the cookie and took a bite.**

Mina: Why?

Chaeng: Hmm... Nothing. It's just, I'm surprised to see you here, and... it's the first time someone brought me something like this.

**Mina smirked, feeling proud about the thing she did for Chaeng.**

**Well, earlier this morning she cooked for her.**

Mina: So, should I leave now, so you could concentrate and finish your paper?

Chaeng: Oh, no! No! I don't mind if you're here. I mean, that is if you're not sleepy yet.

Mina: I'm not. But is it really okay? Am I not going to be a distraction to you?

Chaeng: Might be, but... I feel better when you're around.

**Mina giggled. She exactly knows what Chaeng meant about that.**

Mina: So, it's a holiday next week. Are you going home?

Chaeng: Hmm... yeah! Mom actually reminded me about that the other day. She said she'll expect me to stay at home since I'm always out, working, and studying.

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