Forbidden Sin (LinkxDark Yaoi)

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Warning: This is a LoZ: Legend of Zelda yaoi fanfic(boyxboy) don't like it then dont read it. Link's view.

The night was dank and humid. I sat under a tree, my campfire crackling in the still summer night. I looked up and heaved a sigh.

I had saved Zelda..again. And Midna had returned to the Twilit Realm, shattering the mirror behind her. I was out of work.

Iila had gotten married and was on the brink of having a child. It was against royal laws for me to be with Zelda. I sighed once more.

I had recently learned about the past heroes. A Link born to save time and his down fall....having to fight himself.

He was the Link before me. He ended up marrying Prince Ralis's grandmother Princess Ruto.

There were rumors that another Link was born and married the daughter of the Hero of Time and Queen of Zoras. That is the reason Prince Ralis looks more human than other Zoras.

I gave out another sigh.

" Great, talk about weird," I looked up at the night sky, wanting and wishing to find someone.

"It's going to be a long night my Goddesses. Watch over the Beastly Hero."


The dark trees that loomed overhead seemed ominous. The shadows moved and flickered. No sunlight peeked through. Just the darkness.

The trail was barely visible as i had my lantern out, its fuel running low. There was no signs of Babas, wolfos, skulltulla, or any enemy.....infact there was no life. No sound other than that of the flickering flame in the lantern and the soft crunch if dirt under my boots.

I was on guard. A place like this is always teeming with the worse.

Something moved infront of me. I couldn't see very well but i saw the outline of a man and glowing red eyes peered at me from the darkness. He gave a wicked laugh and the light of my lantern had finally burned out. I felt a burning sensation in my hand and i looked down. My blue eyes were wide.

The triforce blessing mark on my hand glowed brightly. What in the name of the goddesses was this?! It burned worse than anything i felt!

I could feel it coming. The change. I got to my hands and knees and gasped as my body began it's transformation into a beast. A wolf.

The man smiled his eyes gleamed in amusement at me. I couldn't get the image if his eyes out of my head. The last thing i saw before I passed out.


I awoke with a start. The night sky was clear and the stars twinkled brightly. The campfire was low and crackled softly, giving off a dim glow.

"You're awake," an unknown voice sounded from behind and i turned to see a man cloaked in black. His black and silver hair and hood hiding hus face as he sat under a tree on the edge of the light the fire created.

I tensed and was about tp grab my sword when i noticed i didn't have it. That it rested in the man's lap.

I gritted my teeth eyeing the man suspiciously. Devising a plan. Then he spoke once more.

" My, aren't you hostile. Look calm down." He stood up and began ti walk toward me. I got a better look of him this time.

His hair was jet black, as black as darkness itself, and contain silvery highlights on his bangs, as silvery as the stars. He was pale skinned and muscular.

He seemed celestial, almost other worldly. Then that's when I looked up. Those red eyes that glowed. It was him!

" Hello Link," he spoke in a sincere tone.

" Who are you?" I narrowed my eyes in him. He was quite handsome. Wait what was i thinking?! Just a slip of thought. There was no way I could consider a total stranger, a MAN, to be attractive.

He sighed and removed his cloak and I could feel my jaw drop.

He wore a black cowl and a black tunic with gray undergarments. His boots were a dark brown and his sword rested on his belt. It was like,looking into a mirror this man was me!

"My name's Shadow," he said and his eyes were gentle. He gave a soft, warm smile,as he approached me. My heart began to race as he knelt down to eye level and pulled me close-

I could feel my face heat up into a blush as his face was inches from mine. I could feel his warm lips press against my neck and my face flushed. What in Hyrule was he doing. And why was my face blushing! Im straight....right?

Then i felt a sharp pang as i gasped. He bit me! Then i could feel this warm pleasurable sensation as he drank the blood. I smiled and closed my eyes as I pulled him closer. This felt felt...right.

He held me as he drank. I moaned quietly. My chest pressed up against his. I couldn't believe it. I had fallen for a man.

He stopped drinking and took in a breath of air. He was a vampire and I was the werewolf. He looked at me snd my face flushed up once more. I couldn't resist.

I pulled him in close and our lips touched. His eyes were wide in surprise but they closed as he deepened it. His tongue explored my mouth with great curiosity.

I began to remove his belt as nd ran my hand up the shirt of his tunic, feeling every detail of his chest. He grinned and laid me down and undid my belt and too the shirt of my tunic off.

I blushed brightly and grinned. He removed his shirt and his tongue explored my bare chest. I smile as its cold touch felt me over. Goddesses forgive me. For I'd had fallen for the darkness.

He pulled of my pants and stopped.

" You sure you want this?"

"More than anything."

He grinned and we began to plunge into a sin. A sin that I'd want again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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