The Capture

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Authors note: Hey! I hope you enjoy reading my book as much as I enjoyed writing it. This part is a lot shorter than how long my other parts will be.

I grabbed my keys and purse as I headed out the door. Taking a quick glance at my phone for a possible last minute text but seeing none before stuffing it into my purse.

I took in the cool, Autumn breeze on my midday walk. Normally, I get to enjoy it with my best friend, Brittany, but silence is better than fake laughs I guess.

I feel myself smile, not knowing exactly why. Do you need a reason to be happy, though? Despite the oddities of the past few weeks (oh, you know, the occasional feeling like I'm being watched, things being misplaced even though I could've sworn I put them in a certain place, etcetera etcetera), everything still feels kind of normal.

I suddenly start getting that strange feeling again. Like I'm being watched. I haven't told anyone yet because I bet it was nothing. I shiver as I feel the atmosphere change. Now, even nature is silent.

I slowly pick up my pace not really sure where I'm going. I nervously glance around, half expecting to see some shadow figure in a corner like in the horror movies.

I slightly fumble with my purse and grab my phone. Not really sure who to call, I press at random. I look at the ID and smile that I clicked Nate, my guy best friend.

He picks up on the second ring. "Hey, Olive." I smile at his little nickname forgetting that I'm on the phone so he can't see my reaction. "How about Ollie?"

I shake my head out of my thoughts, "Hey Nate, whatever you want I guess." I say trying to sound joyful but I'm pretty sure he sensed something off in my tone.

"What's wrong Olivia? You sound a little worried about something." I continue looking around as I reply, "Oh it's nothing. I was on a walk and was wondering if I could drop by?"

I could practically see his dimpled smile as he replied with, "Of course!" I've been meaning to spend more time with him so this worked out perfectly.

"Great! See you in a little bit!" We both said our goodbyes and I picked up my pace since I had slowed down during the call. As much as I didn't want to leave that call, I didn't want him to worry by making the call sound anymore strange.

I still felt like I was being watched and felt really on edge. Almost there, only about 5 more minutes. Snap. I turned around as fast as I possibly could when I heard a twig snap behind me.

No one there I thought. I continued and entered a more leafy sidewalk. I could now hear footsteps behind me but I knew there was no point in looking back.

I picked up my pace even more, and so did the footsteps behind me. I took off running and I could hear someone or something running right after me.

My adrenaline was over the roof. Almost there, almost there. Why does this area have to be so deserted. I suddenly felt a hand clasp over my mouth and I felt myself slip away.

My eyes slowly flickered open. I lifted my hands and rubbed my temples. My head was pounding so hard. As I became more conscious of my surroundings, I realised I was on a bed. I looked around the room.

It's color theme was more grey and white. It looked classy and tidy. There was a chandelier on the ceiling in the middle of the room. There was a nightstand to my right.

I slowly got up and tried a pair of double doors that I had been facing. Locked. I saw another single door and tried it. It led to a bathroom. I gasped with a hand to my mouth at how elegant it looked.

Whoever owns this place must be pretty rich. The bathroom had a similar theme to the bedroom. The knobs were all Crystal, the sink faucets were a gold color, the walls were the same shade of grey as the bedroom, the counters were a marble white and it all looked really fancy.

I glanced around for windows but found none. There hadn't seemed to be any in the bedroom either. Probably intentionally. I walked up to another door in the bathroom.

This led into a huge walk in closet which contained a bunch of clothes that half looked to be for me while the other half looked to be for a guy. I decided to take a shower so I grabbed some sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

I locked the door, grabbed a towel and got in. When I got done and came out into the bedroom, everything seemed to be the same except for the tray of food that now sat on the bed.

"Go ahead, don't be shy. You must be starving." To say I was startled would be an understatement. I practically jolted back into a wall. I looked wide eyed at a shirtless guy standing in the middle of the room with a huge smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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