saw you in the rain

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[Naruto] fuck.. what time is it.. why did I wake up so early.. 

[Naruto gets up to peek in the window]

[Narutos pov ] wait, is that.. Sasuke!? ..damn I havent seen him since  7 months ago.. 

Maybe I should go check on the guy..

[Nobody's  POV]  as naruto slips on his
Shoes and puts  on his jacket he notices the uchia   looking at  him*

[Natuto] hey sasuke! Watcha  doing in the rain ain't ya got a wife at home!?

[Sasuke] I dont give a damn about big bird head girl  at home  besides caught this bitch 4k cheating  on me with sai.. ino doesn't  know yet

[Naruto] SAI!?   Out of all guys why him!? God.. women have such bad  taste in men..

[Sasuke] oh yeah? Why'd  you marry hinata then..

[Naruto] .. I dont know!  Eh.. I'm kinda questioning  myself..

[Sasuke] anyways wheres that  son of yours at?

[Naruto]he's  asleep..  hey..  sasuke  why  do you have a bunch of flowers in your hand? They for sakura?

[Sasuke] no! I already gave her chocolate  and stuff yesterday! This is for you dobe..

[Naruto] oh.. thanks but you really didi-

[Sasuke]  the  next word is thank you sasuke or  your  coming to my house..

[Naruto]I think I'd rather go to your house!

[Sasuke] ugh I hate you..

maybe I do love you.. (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now