A finished job

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Golden threads of the morning sun flooded the room casting a net of warmth across Joanna's face.the soft early glow made her gold eyes glisten like pools of honey as she grasped at the idea of removing herself from her bed.
She lay there flicking through her phone and updating herself on her surroundings from social media's before brushing her blush covers off and preparing for her day.

Joanna's dress clung to her body hugging her waist and embellishing her feminine curves, she skipped down the stairs and began her usual routine of fresh orange juice and a slice of toast whilst watching her favourite talk show, with her last bite she glanced at her watch and reached for her coat and keys. Just as she approached the front door she stopped, behind her frosted glass door was a hidden dark figure, she narrowed her eyebrows at the odd visitor and was greeted abruptly by three firm knocks.
She struck out her hand and turned the handle letting in the ghastly autumnal morning chill as she stood adjacent to a tall figure cloaked in all black.

At the moment Joanna's lips grew ajar and her breath became lodged in the back of her throat,her once warm healthy complexion turned to ivory as the blood from her cheeks drained and colour from her face fell, the sharp swift slice of her neck dowsed her once perfect dress with a chaotic spray of her own blood, her gold eyes still fixed on this strange figure as her last breaths grew harder to pull.paralysed with fear Her sack of a body fell to the floor with a thud as ice entered her insides leaving nothing but pain, gasping for breath she tries to squirm backwards holding the large gash on her neck, her screams are muffled as the picture of death mockingly lays over her passionately piercing her chest with a blade over and over until everything was covered in blood and a metallic smell filled the air.her body falling into the abyss of death that she could no longer fight against. she lay there alone waiting for mercy that never came warmth and life fleeting from her, her face painted with a horrific vulnerable expression like a hunted animal as blood still pooled underneath her head surrounding it like a halo.
Joanna is dead.

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