Chapter 1

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Kupid pov-

It's was just another night. Everything was the same. Parents were out drinking or on a date night they usually didnt come back until like 11:36pm. But I have school in the morning so I don't need to worry about them at this moment just need to get to sleep.

It's 10:20pm right now and I still can't sleep Jesus Christ I'm fucking tired as shit right now. Maybe if I wasn't an overthnker I would be asleep by now oh well.

Next day-

[Kupid runs down stairs]
"MOM? DAD?" Guess no one's home.
I should probably get something to eat before I leave but what do I want? I guess I have time to make oatmeal.

After making the oatmeal-

Wonder why they are not home yet. Hopefully they are ok. Or maybe they had work earlier than usual. What time is it? 7:56?
"7:56! Shit!" [Runs outside texting Lonely as fast as she could]
(Text will have this >)
>Kupid: Hey come pick me up I missed the bus...
>Lonely: Why can't you ask your mom or dad?
>Kupid: They aren't here
>Lonely: K I'm coming right now be there in like 5 minutes k?
>Kupid: K

When Lonely gets there-

"Get in the car" *Lonely saids pulling up*
"You're a life saver"
"How am I a mint?" *Lonely saids with a smirk*

°sorry for how short it is I'll work on it more soon°

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