Chapter 1

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"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." - William Blake

"X, are you in position?"

The words reverberated through my ear, the earpiece causing the familiar voice on the other end to come across broken and muffled.


I scanned the busy street through the cafe window with a trained eye, prepared to isolate my target at a moment's notice. There was a heavy current of faces passing by every which way as the seconds ticked by. It didn't matter. This was second nature for me, I'd done it a million times. However, even though my thoughts were focused on my one objective, I couldn't help but notice the frost of the evening cutting through my skin and seeping into my blood.

"Y, update."

"Target is heading round the corner on 5th. He's all yours from here X. But be careful, I think he's armed."

Smiling, I downed the last of the coffee from my mug and set it down on the table, dropping a couple of dollars and exiting the café. I lingered at the corner for just another moment, before he walked out right in front of me. His head was ducked and there was a hood pulled over his eyes, but the brown briefcase in his hand was the clear indicator. He seemed to be in a rush as he inserted himself into the crowd and made off down the street.

"I have eyes on the target. Pursuing now."

He walked fast, artfully dodging the tide of people, though it was no challenge for me. He kept on down that street for another five minutes, but I couldn't take action - not in front of all those people. All of a sudden he stopped and spun on his heels. I turned away and pretended to study a poster on the wall, but as I glanced to the left to see if he had started moving again his eyes met mine, and that was all the confirmation he needed.

He took off running without a second's hesitation, bulldozing down anyone and everyone in his way. I cursed under my breath and bolted after him.

"I've been made. Target is on the run."

"What do you mean you've been made?" An incredulous voice sounded through the earpiece.

Many heads turned to watch the chase, but I barely even noticed. This guy was fast, and I couldn't let him get away. I broke through a wall of people just in time to see him duck into an alley way.

"Agent, do you have eyes on the target?"

Following him into the alley, I pulled my gun from its holster and held it at my side, slowing my pace only slightly as I skidded around another corner. Dead end. The target pressed his back against the brick wall, pointing a gun at me with one shaking hand and clutching the brown case to his chest with the other.

"Agent!" I winced at the harsh tone in my ear and shook my head, wishing they wouldn't doubt me so much.

"Don't worry, sir. I got it covered." I turned the earpiece off.

It was a stand off. I could have killed him a dozen times over already, but I'd been ordered to at least attempt to bring him in alive. So, we stood there, guns pointed at one another, waiting. Eventually I spoke.

"Give it up. If you kill me there are a dozen more who will take my place." I spoke, voice calm and unwavering. "Surrender yourself and accept responsibility for what you've done."

He honestly looked like he was about to break down and cry. "I haven't done anything! I don't know what lies The Agency are feeding you but-"

"What would you know about The Agency?"

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