The Hunt

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Heavy music drowns out the sounds of the rain as Sam and Dean drive down backroads on their way to a small town in hopes of a hunt.
"Hey, Sam?" Dean asks, slightly taking his eyes off the road to look at Sam and turning down the music.
"..Yeah?" Sam responded after finishing the paragraph from a newspaper.
"Why do you think a pack of werewolves would start going after a small town?" Asked Dean, continuously switching his focus from the road to Sam.
Sam expected Dean to bring up their fight back at the bunker, and was glad he didn't. He shifted his position, sitting more upright.
"Probably because it's in the middle of no where- no hunter is going to be keeping tabs on some random small town" Sam replied, looking out the windshield to the road ahead.
"Yeah, yeah... Sam we should talk about what happened back at the bunker" Dean adjusted the nature of their conversation, still focusing on the road, but also searching Sam for an answer.
"Really Dean, now? We're 5 minutes from the hunt, and you want to talk about the fight now?" Sam scoffed, looking back to the newspaper. Dean sighed, they reached the turn they needed to take to the main part of the small town. Dean turned the wheel and stopped, putting the car in park.
"We're here" Dean told Sam, opening the door and getting out. He went to the back and grabbed two ID's and waited for Sam on the sidewalk. Sam got out of the car, putting on his jacket. He grabbed his ID from Dean's hand.
"Let's head in" Sam said, leading the way up to the town hall. Dean followed, looking around before entering the building.
"Sheriff Parkson? Agents Fargo and Wells" Dean and Sam both held up their ID's. The sheriff looked at them both, then went around behind his desk.
"Here about the murders, I'm assuming?" The Sheriff asked in a husky voice. Sam and Dean nodded. He pulled out a file from a small cabinet in the corner of the room. Parkson walked back over to the boys, opening the reports.
"Well this is about all we have here on the incidents. Each victim was missing their heart and looked as if they were attacked by a bear" Parkson pointed to the images on the report. Each contained a victim with up-closes of their wounds.
"Anything else? Do any of them have anything in common?" Dean asked, looking up from the file.
"Nothin- oh, wait. They didn't have anything in common besides how far on the outstretches of town they lived. Each victim had a place about 2 miles from anything" Parkson showed the boys the addresses marked down on the files.
"Mind if we go take a look?" Sam asked, closing up the file.
"Go ahead, although we already skimmed the places over about a dozen times. Nothing to direct us to a suspect" Parkson said, sitting back down at his desk.
"Thank you, Sheriff" Dean remarked as he and Sam both walked out of the building. They headed out to the car, looking around. Once they got in the car they drove off, headed to the first house; Halley Jakobson, the first reported victim.
"There's some claw scratches in the windowsill over here. Along with some blood" Sam called to Dean in the other room. Dean entered the other room, the floorboards creaked with each step. Dean reached the window and outstretched his hand running his fingers along the scratches.
     "Files didn't mention Halley having a crazed windowsill destroying dog" Dean took his hand away from the window.
     "No, it did not. Let's check out the other places for any marks or signs of werewolves" Sam took a picture of the scratches and walked out the door. Dean did a once-over the house and then joined Sam. He closed the car door and started her up.
     "Next stop is a Mr. George Stelling's house, about 4 miles from here" Sam put the map away and gabbed the file again, looking it over even though he knew everything about the cases already.
     "Why are you reading those over again? We know everything there is to know" Dean asked, grabbing the file and closing it. He threw it into the back seat.
     "Because, Dean. If I'm not doing something you're going to bring up the fight and I don't want to talk about it" Sam replied sternly. He looked at Dean with a straight face, clearly getting frustrated at the constant bargaining of talking about something.
     "We need to talk about it, Sam. I didn't mean to-". Sam cut Dean off.
     "No, I don't think we need to. You already told me, we fought about it. It's over, just drop it" Sam interjected bitterly.
     "I didn't mean to go behind your back! Tell me the truth- if you knew about this hunt, would you have  been able to focus? Rebecca was one of your best friends at Stanford, that much I know".
     "You didn't have to keep it from me. One of my friends died, and you went and killed the thing that did it without me" Sam grumbled.
     "Sam, I get it okay-"
     "Do you, Dean? Do you even have friends outside of the life? Friends who don't know about the things we hunt?"
     Dean looked over to Sam before pulling into the driveway. He dropped the conversation to continue their investigation.
     "We're not done talking about this, Sam"
     All Sam did was step out of the car and headed to the house. Dean grabbed some stuff from the trunk before following.
     After checking out all the houses, they boys head back to the motel. Sam set a duffel bag on one of the beds and grabbed a small bag, and headed to the bathroom. Dean sighed and sat down on the bed, gabbing the remote. He flipped through the channels before seeing that nothing is on, he turned it off and set the remote back. Sam came out of the bathroom and put the bag back into the duffle bag. He sat down on the bed and took out a lore book. He leaned back on the headboard and flipped through the pages. Dean put on a pair of headphones and drowned out the world with some music.
In the morning when Dean woke up, Sam was just getting back from asking more questions.
"So, just found out there was another murder last night- next to the last place we checked out. Got a call this morning from the Sheriff" Sam closed the door behind him and put the new file down on the table.
"That one missing a heart too?"
"Yeah, I already checked the place out and same thing, scratches and furniture bashed around everywhere" He put his gun inside his duffle bag and took of his suit jacket, "Picked up some breakfast too" He tossed a square carry-out box onto the edge of Dean's bed.
"Dude, what time did the sheriff call you?" Dean opened the carry-out box, grabbing a slice of bacon first.
"Around 4:30, why?"
"Why did you get up at 4:30?"
"I never went to bed. Now, come on, I have a hunch where the werewolves set up camp" Sam grabbed the keys, "and I'm driving this time".
Dean chuckled, grabbing his jacket and one last piece of bacon before heading out the door. He got into the passenger seat and they drove off.
     They pulled up to the house and headed in. This time there was blood smeared along the walls and splattered on the floors. Dean looked at it all, examining the other rooms of the house as well.
    "They got sloppy" Dean commented.
     "Or someone put up a fight- like they knew what was going on or what these creatures are" Sam added.
     They both looked outside of the house to check around for any other hint of where the werewolves could have headed after the kill.
     "Okay, let's head to that place. It's an older ranch at the other side of town, no one has lived there in a couple years but the sheriff swears he's seen a couple people roaming around the property. Might be our werewolves" They walked back to the car.
     "Yeah. Give me the keys, you got your drive"
     "No- I got like 6 minutes drive time so far. You can have your keys after we check out this place. I found it, I should get to drive there" Sam chuckled, holding the keys in his hand.
     "Fine- one more drive" Dean smiled slightly as he got into the passenger side of the car. Sam laughed before getting in and starting her up. The sun gleamed off the black car as they drove off. Dust filled the air as they sped up and turned down the main road.
     On the other side of town, there was a overgrown driveway that led to the ranch Sam has mentioned earlier. The car bounced up and down through the hidden potholes along the drive.
     "Someone should really fix that up" Dean stated, looking at Sam.
     "Dean, I think that they don't care if no one lives here" Sam remarked, parking off to the side of the drive. They got out and grabbed their guns loaded with silver bullets. They walked along the tree edge and left their jackets by the car to mask their scent as much as they could from the werewolves. Someone launched out from the brush, in front of Sam and Dead. They held up their guns. He ran up, trying to attack them both. Sam grabbed him as he ran into him, then flipped him over onto the ground.
     "Where is the rest of your pack?" Demanded Dean. The werewolf didn't say a word. Dean cocked his gun, "Fine, we're going to play that way", Dean shot him in the heart and the boys continued to search the property.
     The boys ended up finding 3 more werewolves. They finished the job quickly and headed back to the Impala.
     "Alright Sammy, time to hand over those keys" Dean chuckled, holding his hand out waiting for the keys.
     "Are you sure I can't just have another dri-"
     "Keys, Sammy"
     "Alright, fine" Sam handed Dean the keys and headed to the other side of the Impala. Dean chuckled and they headed off the property, music blaring. As soon as they turned out of the driveway, Dean sped up and a cloud of dust rose behind them as they faded further and further down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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