NCIS: A Tiva Story(Part 1)

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Ziva's POV

Tony and I were going to get coffee. "How long do you have to walk to get a cup of coffee? I told you we should of taken the car" Tony says impatiently. "Tony, walking is a stress reliever, and a good exercise" I say finally seeing the daily coffee booth in the distance. "Well, you know what a good stress reliever is? Cake. Because stressed spelled backward is desserts!" I ignore him. I run toward the coffee booth. "meet you there!" I shout.

Tony catches up to me panting. I order us both black coffee. Tony pays, he may be a clown but he is also the sweetest man I have ever met. We sit and drink our coffee. "Dont you think we should go to work early? You know, to make Gibbs happy?" He asks me. I stare in shock, "who are you?" I ask. We both laugh, we both know that Tony wouldn't go to work even if someone paid him to. Actually he would, but I'm just saying. About 20 minutes later we are both drinking the last driblets of coffee from our cups. Since we walked, we would have to walk to work. That wouldn't be a problem, NCIS headquarters is very close by. Thats what I love about our headquarters, it wouldn't be in that location if there wasn't coffee close by.

Tony's POV

While we are walking, I look at Ziva. I always thought of her as a, very very close friend. When we walk up to the headquarters... She checks her watch. "What?" I ask "Eli was supposed to be sending me something, I'm pretty sure it would be here by now." I have no idea what checking her watch would have to do with it, but I just slowly nod my head and walk in with her. She rushes towards her desk, as she expected, a big worn-edged box is sitting on her desk. She pulls out her knife. "Woah there horsie" I say looking at the box suspiciously. "Lets make sure its safe, because it would be a shame if this place blew up... Once again" she backs away from the box with her hands up. I pick it up, I shake it a few times, Its so heavy what did he send her? King Kong? "Is it safe enough for you Tony?" Ziva asks me impatiently "let me open it, I got this" I say slowly tearing a slit in the box. When its finally opened all that is in there is a piece of paper. I take it out slowly and carefully with a puzzled look on my face, like its a bag of meth. I hand the paper to Ziva and scan. The box once more. I think: "Kong has to be in here somewhere" Ziva reads slowly:

My Dear Daughter,

הם רודפים אותך, אני לא צריך קבלתי שלך נתפס בזה. אני כל כך מצטער. להסתיר את עצמך.

"English please and thank you?" I ask waiting for a translation. "Fine." She talks swiftly and impatiently once again " They are after you, I shouldn't of gotten you caught up in this. I'm so sorry. hide yourself." It takes me a few seconds to comprehend what was just read to me. "What does he mean by hide yourself?" I ask "wait whats that at the bottom of the paper?" I ask pointing to some words scribbled on the bottom of the paper. Its in english but faded. Only a couple of words a visible.. But somehow Ziva is a able to identify very quicky. "Hey!! What does it say?!?!" I ask. She starts speaking in Hebrew again. "Ziva!!! Snap out of it!!!!!"

Ziva's POV

I grab the box. It almost pulls me to the ground. "What th- ! Theres nothing in here?!?!" I shout Mcgee turns to me. "Everything okay over there Ziva?" He asks Tony answers before I do "mind our own business Mcgeekyhead , this is a crisis" I almost kick Tony. What is up with those two??? I focus back on the box. There's obviously something in here. I grab my pocket knife Tony is speaking but its faint so I just don't pay attention. "ZIVA?!?!" Tony shouts but of course I don't listen. "No, I got this"


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