I wake up on Olympus

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Clank Clank. 

I awoke to the sound of noisy vehicles. Living in a small apartment in Manhattan, I was used to being woken up by screeching cars. However, something about the noise this morning was particularly unusual. It appeared to reverberate around my room. 

This is when I opened my eyes. Much to my disbelief, I realised I wasn't lying in the bed in my apartment. I wasn't in my room. What I saw was hard to describe. I couldn't see exactly where I was to begin with, but I knew I'd been here a few times before. I had that feeling of familiarity. 

It didn't take me long to realise I was on a mountain. Although, it wasn't any mountain: it was Mount Olympus. I carefully trod over to the summit of the mountain and peered over. I almost vomited. Even after the previous times I'd been here, I still couldn't get over how high the mountain was. You would have to take the 600th floor of the lift in the Empire State Building - trust me, I didn't believe it either when I first heard it. I felt as if I could see the whole world from up here; now I understood why the gods felt powerful beyond measure.

The roaring noise I'd heard earlier made sense; I could see the cars all the way down below in Fifth Avenue. They looked like tiny ants from where I was observing them. 

I looked around and realised I must've been sleeping on the greenery. This was confusing and totally embarassing. How did I get here? Why am I here? And why was it so quiet? On my previous encounters Mount Olympus always seemed to be jampacked with immortals - ranging from the Olympians to the Dryads. 

On my last visit I remembered being in the throne room. It was opulent and magnificent. I even once had to return a certain Master Bolt to my uncle Zeus there. Yes, if you don't know already I'm the son of Poseidon. My mother's mortal though so that makes me a half-blood. Although, sometmes I wish I was a normal kid, so that I could live a normal life. I don't know what's happening now or why I'm on Olympus but I knew that this was definitely not going to be a normal teenage experience. 

Anyways, I had a sudden desire to go and check out the throne room whilst I was here. It had been a while since my last visit. 

I walked through the luscious gardens and the aesthetically paved streets. Every once in a while I heard some murmuring, although when I looked around I couldn't seen anyone or anything. Something wasn't right. I had a strange feeling I was being watched. But, by who? 

After cautiously wandering around Olympus, I finally arrived at the throne room. It looked just as elaborate as I remembered it from the outside. It didn't used to look as sumptuous as it did now, but my friend Annabeth - well she's now a little more than that - was given the honour by the gods to redesign Olympus after it was demolished in the Second Titan War. 

There appeared to be a mass gathering outside it. It looked like some form of an Agora. There were hundreds of immortal deities lined up outside it; they appeared to be awaiting someone to speak. I now understood why Olympus looked so empty earlier. I decided to stand at the back and wait for the speaker. 

What happened next was unthinkable... 

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