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When I visited my aunt and grandma for spring break I never expected to fall in love.

   Spring break is usually the time of the year when hot college students around the country go to a beach and binge drink all week. It's notorious for its dumb fuckery and one night stands. Maybe even experimenting with hard drugs. That's not me. Well, anymore at-least. During my freshman year I went wild, I went to parties, hooked up with people, tried some drugs even. And it was fun, I enjoyed it at the time.

   I'm in my second year of college and I've fallen out with most of the friends I use to go to parties and do crazy shit with. Not because of some stupid beef or anything, we all just grew apart. As a computer science major I have a lot of class work. I decided to hunker down in my studies and the majority of my friends kept partying. They use to ask me to go out but I always said no so they just stopped asking.

   We still talk every now and then but we're not super close. I wouldn't say I'm super close with anyone really. Aside from my best friend and roommate Andy. She's always been there for me and always will be, we're like sisters we've known each other almost since birth. But not this spring break. Oh no no, she's one of those hot college students going to a beach and binge drinking all week.

   Which I'm not upset about. I have my own plans this year, visiting my grandma and aunt in Florida. I've always loved visiting them, I love the ocean and collecting shells. And they're two of my favorite people on the planet. So I gladly packed my bags and left my school work behind to fly to Florida to visit them. The first thing my aunt did when we got to their house was raid my suit case to judge what clothes I brought with me.

   "Oh honey this is it? This is just plain denim shorts and old t shirts. And... IS THIS A ONE PIECE?!" My aunt gasps in horror as she grabs my swim suit out of my suitcase and holds it up. She's holding it with just her pointer finger and thumb like it's a bio hazard. "No no no this definitely won't do. We need to go shopping for a new bathing suit immediately! And some clothes while we're at it." She folds the suit and puts it back in its original place.

   I told my arms and laugh, "Why do I need a new bathing suit and clothes? I'm not here trying to impress anyone I'm just here with you and grandma." I walk over to the bed where my suitcase is resting on and close the flap to zip it up.

   "That's the thing dear, we're both very happy that you're visiting us. We always are. But you're 19, about to be 20 for gods sake, when was the last time you were with someone ?" At her question my face heats up, It's embarrassing because the last time I was with anyone was early freshman year. My high school boyfriend and I tried to do long distance but it didn't work out.

   "You know when the last time was... But it's not like I haven't wanted to be with anyone. I've just been so caught up in my schoolwork it's hard to find time for it. And it's kinda hard to find people I actually like." I'm comfortable confessing this to her because she's always been the one I've gone to for dating advice.

   "Have you tried that one app all the kids are talking about? What is it? Hmmm tinder! That's the one. Have you tried it ?" She sits on the bed and I follow suit.

   "Yes I have and I'll have you know I went on a date with a guy from tinder not too long ago." She ooh's at my statement.

   "And how was that? Are you two still talking?" She flips her dark hair over her shoulder and starts to play with her large beaded necklace.

   I hesitate to answer knowing the reaction I'll get, "..... No. We don't talk anymore." She immediately groans and throws her hands up in the air. And then flips back onto the bed in the most dramatic way possible.

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