A bomb is born

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Try-out days were always the worst due to the mass influx of people wanting to join Katsuki's band.

The Bombers reputation wielded on prodigious with the sheer amount of sold out shows and roaring crowds that sang to the heavens for them. Some days came better than others at practice. The band members scrimmaged their way towards the dream they all chased after, while the sound guys toiled about to bring efforts together. Then there were days like this, waiting through bad singer after bad singer to hopefully find a worthy replacement for lead vocalist, Monoma, whom the fans abhorred. Especially when he continued to fixate every smidgen of attention on himself whilst performing.

Even so Katsuki wouldn't say Monoma's attempts came as completely lamentable, it's just that he was the absolute worst. With that, most members cogitate the final straw to fall on when he catapulted a mic stand at the crowd. technically a water bottle started the outrage, however that never excused the fact that he had thrown a piece of equipment at them. On the other hand, others told Katsuki he should have eliminated the bug when he cussed-out one of the guitarists for being 'too rough with the sound'.

Even when those moments grew to be the most trounced times studio 4 had ever experienced, Katsuki had eventually kicked him out when he blatantly disrespected his drum set. The guy had gotten a full two inches too close, almost kicking them. If Katsuki hadn't moved at the speed of light itself, his drums might've been out of commission for a long time.

At the time, he had ceased Monoma with his foot alone and gave the guy a death stare, lowering his voice enough to sound like it could kill a fully grown man as tension built. He then told him to 'fuck off' which transcribes to, 'you're being kicked out of my band'. Thankfully the guy got the hint and no real damage was done. Though he flounced out that day when he opened the double doors, the interaction had unfortunately dampened Katsuki's mood.

After that, a wave of stress lifted off of everyone's shoulders when they finally registered that they wouldn't have to deal with him ever again. Though slowly over time the band had come face to face with the big metal wall of, 'finding a new lead singer'. Going through person after person while gauging their personalities and groaning when they would fangirl over the band, or when some would act like a prick thinking they were a top tier singer. Not that Katsuki is one to talk about a superiority complex.

It just never seemed like they could find the right person for the job, not just in talent but character as well. They needed someone who could fit the bill and win over everybody with just the sound of their voice or a taste of who they are.

Even as Eijirou watched them practice without a lead vocalist, they could still kill it. Making every second count and seizing the moment with their chords and rhythm to the wordless songs that they had memorized. Every hour felt like a journey watching them take notes and work together to undertake the gap that they so desperately needed.

Eijirou had been working as a clean up boy for them going on 5 years now. Onwardly, the crew he's been working with for that time, boiled down to the three of them getting the band water when needed or a cold rag after being in the sun for an extensive amount of time. He had seen it all while traveling around the world with the band. Watching Jirou crowd surf as Mina pulled off several stupendous violin solos. Katsuki turning red over the sheer amount of strength he put into his drumming while making the most intense faces he'd ever seen. Which, it was probably a good thing the angry drummer never wore a shirt while performing due to the amount of sweat he builds up in a matter of minutes.

It really has been something to experience, one that can never be forged anywhere else. Though behind the scenes portrayed a different story; hard work, emotional clashes, and everyone sleeping when they could find the chance to. Eijirou is only a background character to the band though, given he and the clean up crew don't associate with them at all. So he's seen from afar how they've had their rough patches and at one point almost all of the members threatened to quit the band all together multiple times. However, because of Katsuki's drive to be the best band that ever lived, the group never faltered and always stayed strong due to their fearsome leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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