𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒

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I looked away with smiling and blushing.

"I will take that as a no"

I giggled and nodded my head.

"Alright then love lead me to your room then."

I led William to the room down the hall.

"Hmm, this will do although I wished it was purple."

"You know there are other colors other than purple" I stated.

"No shit (y/n) I know there are other colors but I just prefer purple."

I walked over to my suitcase and took out my pj's.

"I'm going to get changed in the bathroom, check the dresser to see if there is anything that you can put on," I said as I walked into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I took a look at myself in the mirror.
Damn, I looked tired and I was.

I took off my sweater and leggings and put on the very soft pj's.
Then I heard William knock on the door.

"Are you almost done in there, love?" He asked.

"Just a few more minutes."

I then hear William scoff.
I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready for bed.

"Come on (y/n) it's been 5 minutes!" William whined.

I opened the door and glared at William.

"Hey be patient I was getting ready for bed." I angrily stated.

William smirked.

"Did I strike a nerve or are you just tired?"

I crossed my arms."Both."

William moved close to me and picked me up.

"Hey put me down!" I yelled.

William then covered my mouth.

"Shhh, you're going to wake your friend."

I moved his hand from my mouth.

"She is dead asleep by now there is no way she would wake up."

William rolled his eyes.

"Didn't seem that way the first time."

"Whatever now put me down."

Then William's lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"I don't think I will."

I grunted.

"Please. Pretty please?" I begged.

"Alright if that's what you want."

William walked over to the bed and got in with me still in his arms.
Now I laid on top of him.

My face lit up bright red.

"William!" I yelled.

He chuckled."What? You wanted me to put you down, so I did."

"Well, I didn't mean for you to put me down on top of you!"

Then William landed a quick kiss on my lips.

"Your cute when you get all angry."

I blushed even more and turned my head away from him trying to show that I was upset but that didn't last until I yawned.

"You tired I think it's time for you to go to bed."

William gently placed me to the side of him.
I hadn't even noticed it but William was already changed into some form of pj's.

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