lessons in life

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there are so many lessons in life

- You should sit quietly for 15 minutes every day to gather your thoughts; unless you're too busy, in which case you should sit for an hour.

-Fairytales are more than worthwhile; not because they teach us that dragons exist, but because they teach us that dragons can be conquered.

-We are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves, just as we are incapable of teaching our children self-discipline unless we ourselves are self-disciplined.

-If you're being mistreated, lied to or cheated on then it's time for you to save yourself and move on.

-The more you sweat in times of peace and harmony, the more prepared you will be and the less you will bleed when you're hit by hard times.

-Never fear the shadows of your past mistakes. They simply mean there's a new light shining somewhere nearby.

-Tolerance is the highest form of intelligence.

-We should review our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.

-If you forgive and let go of it then you no longer have to relive it.

-Learn from your own mistakes, but also look around and learn from the mistakes others are making.

Here a just a few for now, hope you enjoy! There will be more to come :)

part 2 more :)

1. People desire the same things. They want to be loved, appreciated and have their basic needs met.

2. If their basic needs are met, folks turn their attention to ways to better their lives and the lives of their children.

3. It does not matter what station in life one begins. Everyonehas the ability to alter their future for the better through positive thought and action.

4. Everything that exists in our world first existed in someone's mind. What you think about comes about. Therefore, if you want to change your world, change your thoughts.

5. Your parents could be total train wrecks, alcoholics, drug addicts or simply the worst people in the world; you can't change that, but you can change how you respond to it, and that is EVERYTHING!

6. Complaining about bad parents and a bad childhood doesn't get you very far in life and it will never pay the rent.

7. Life changes for the better when you take 100% responsibility for your entire life and everything in it.

8. You can change ANYTHING in your own life, but you can't do the same for someone else. They must do it for themselves.

9. Everyone has the right to be in a great relationship with someone that really loves them. If you're not, it's not a sin to get yourself out of it.

10. It's never too late to live happily ever after.

11. Inspiring people to be the best they can be is REALLY cool.

12. If everyone helped just the people that life exposed them to, the world would be infinitely better.

13. What you say to people, even a small kindness, can make a huge difference to them.

14. You can get more done with kindness than yelling.

part 3

15. There is usually no reason to yell. You have more credibilitywhen you can make your case in a calm fashion.

16. Staying calm NEVER means being a doormat!

17. Our first responsibility should be to our own well-being. We can never give what we don't haveourselves.

18. The best way to control your income is through entrepreneurial endeavor.

19. Starting a business is not as hard as people say it is.

20. Small business is the bedrockof theUSA. As small business goes....so goes the nation.

21. Life is better with dogs (yes plural).

22. Sometimes forgiveness is easier to get than permission, (stop laughing....I learned that from by dogs).

23. Nieces and nephews provide great opportunity for revenge on siblings, (think: spoil them, then send them home).

24. Friends are the family you choose for yourself.

25. A true friend will be thrilled when you do well.

26. If they are not thrilled, they are probably NOT a true friend.

27. You can always tell someone's character by how they treat someone they think can't do anything for them.

28. If you provide a great meal to a bunch of teenagers, shut up and listen; you'll be absolutely amazed at how much they say.

29. You can't believe everything you hear in the news.

30. If everyone you surround yourself with is too afraid to tell you anything other than what they think you want to hear, your business growth will be stunted.

31. It doesn't matter how good youareat what youdo;if youdon't market your company and services, you'll be out of business.

32. Change is CERTAIN, learn to rollwithit!

33. Change is easier if you don't resist - dive in or ride the roller coaster

part 4

34. Loved ones should always be greeted enthusiastically! That's one from the dogs too.

35. A place for everything and everything in its place.....a great way to run your home and business.

36. Getting the hard stuff done first makes the day easier.

37. Stuff that gets scheduled getsdone.

38. If you WRITE your goals, you'll reach more of them.

39. Learning is a life long pursuit. Keeping the brain working, keeps you young!

40. Snow days are awesome. It is a moral requirement to have hot chocolate on a snow day.

41. Concentration on ONLY business can be REALLY bad. Makes us cranky, dysfunctional, boring and leads to bad relationships.

42. You have to feed your soul and brain the same way you feed your body.

43. The occasional feeding of the body with ice cream or a comfort food is good for the soul, (sorry Bethann....my personal trainer who will kick my ass if she reads this).

44. Dog kisses never killed anybody.

45. If you want to really be great at something, teach it to someone else. Magic happens in the teaching. It solidifies in your own heart that which is being shared.

46. Teaching someone how to fish is infinitely better than giving them a fish.

47. If you get divorced, keep your kids out of it. Encourage them to love and respect your ex. If you don't...it eventually WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS!

48. We all reap what we sow. It is good to sow wisely.

49. Humor is a great tool and perfect seasoning to any day.

50. What ever you can dream, you really can do. Imagination is a terrible thing to waste.

trust me guys and girls there shall be more :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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