Diary 35

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Many girls were tired up in their cages. Syringes were on the floor along with pills. A mysterious physician was in the cage with a girl and had a syringe in his hand.

"No! Please! Don't!"

"This won't hurt one bit." He said. He injected a drug into the girls arm.

The girl screamed in horror.

The physician walked out and went to his desk. He has pictures of Naeun all over his desk.

"Where the hell are you?!" He grunted.
"Why do you need her so badly?" Jennie walked in.

"That doesn't concern you." He said.
"You brought me into this mess. Of course it concerns me."

"Naeun is everything to me. I loved her since high school, but then... Kai. He has to BE there." He snapped.

Jennie sighed out of frustration as she fold her arms.

"What's the point anyway. You forced me to capture these nurses for you and—"

"I never forced you. You offered to help me. And we made a deal. The deal was, you get Kai while I get Naeun. Our plan never worked." He said.

"If I hadn't helped you, none of this would happen!" Jennie snapped.
"Oh! So you're regretting it?!"

Jennie was lost for words. "You're the one who made the deal?!"
Naeun was staring at Kai's desk. It's filled with papers of her former co-workers. She was shocked that there was even pictures of them. Her eyes came across on hers.

Pictures of her when she was on the high school rooftop.

Kai came in and was surprised she was there.

"You said I need to find out on my own. So I did." Naeun said.

Kai slowly closed the door and let her continued.

"Do you know...who took these?" She asked.

Kai stood next to her and looked at the file.
"We don't know who's the culprit but Jennie, she might have some leads."

"But that don't make sense. Why Jennie?" Naeun said. 

"You never know, Naeun. Someone might be the one who's kidnapping these girls and she's helping them." Kai said. 

"But, you don't have the proof." she said. 

"We will get the proof. And why are you getting so anxious?" Kai asked. 

"I can't....I can't just stay still." Naeun replied. 

Kai listened. 

"I can't just sit there and watch. You going out there, just by yourself. What if he's out there, lurking in the dark alley, planning to attack you and the kidnap me?" Naeun said as tears started to fall. 

Kai slowly pulled her into his arms and soothed her hair. 

"Don't worry. I got this." he said.

Naeun felt warm in his embrace. 

"If something happens to you, I'll never forgive myself." Kai said. 

Naeun stood still and listened. 

"I love you. You know that?" 

Naeun's heart skipped a beat. Mainly don't know what to say. 

"It's okay. Take your time. I know you hated me for a while after what happened that day." Kai said as he pulled away. 

"We'll discuss this later. Get some rest." 

"What about you?" Naeun asked.

"I'll be fine. You go ahead." He replied. 

Naeun sighed slightly and nodded. But then she stopped towards the door.

"Was there a reason why you dated Jennie? Was it to protect me?"

"Tomorrow. I promise. I promise I'll tell you everything." Kai replied.


Dear Diary, 

This case is very confusing to understand. Why Jennie is kidnapping nurses for someone who told her to. Kai and Daehyun are workig hard on this case and I'm just sitting here. I know I'm in a department with Lay, I just can't sit still. Also, Kai said he loves me....and I...I love him too...but why can't I just say it to him. C'mon Naeun, you have a crush on him since High School!

Dear Diary (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now