Interviews With Your Fave Wattpad Authors +

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Hello everyone! Welcome to this new series I'm starting that I'm so fortunate enough to be able to bring to life.

First off, this is such a huge honor to even be hosting, and having the amazing human beings take part of this that I do. Thank you to everyone who is supporting this series so far and who are just as excited to witness the magic and fun that these amazing authors create just as much as I am.

The series is pretty self explanatory, but I'll still break it down;
I get ahold of your all time favorite wattpad, AOW, and other writing site authors and ask them everyone's most thought questions, and I'll be posting the entire interviews on here, and TikTok with the exception of a few not being on TikTok due to privacy :)

I'm very excited to finally be able to bring this crazy idea I had to life, and I'm so honored to be able to include some of the amazing authors that have agreed to do this. They're all kind souls who have agreed to take part even though they have a busy schedule, and that's more than I can be to ask for.

I hope everyone enjoys this series just as much as I will, I put a lot of hard work into this and I can't wait for you guys to witness the magic.

So without further ado, here we go.

Interviews With Your Fave Wattpad Authors +Where stories live. Discover now