7 | Darkbug

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—I'm sorry to interrupt your sleep boy, but you don't know the mess you just did. —Bunnix said
—Bunnix?! —Adrien said scared
—You altered the future, do you know what could have caused it?
—Well, we'll figure that out. Now, I need you to transform so we can go.
—Plagg, claws out.

Bunnix opened a portal and took Cat Noir with her.
—What's this place?
—This is like a library but full of moments from the future and the past seeing in your perspective.
—Wow. —Cat Noir said while we was looking at the moments shown
—Be careful, You don't want to see things you shouldn't. —Bunnix said
—What's happening here?
—It's a moment from the past, take a look.

Bunnix touched the memory to put a specific part.
—Is when Master Fu gave me my miraculous!
—It is.
—So... Can you put any moment from the past?
—Sure. Even some events from the future, why?
—Can I see the kiss with Ladybug when we fighted Oblivio? —Cat Noir said giving a puppy (or kitty most accurate) face
—This is not a playground, kitty. You're here for a reason.
—It's just... I don't remember anything about that kiss. Our minds went back to normal when Ladybug said 'Miraculous ladybug' —Cat Noir said in a sad tone
—Okay, okay, but this is the last one you'll see.

Bunnix put the moment that Cat Noir asked.
—With your permission, M'lady. —Cat Noir in that moment said
They kissed holding hands.

—Oh my god, I kissed ladybug and she didn't reject me! —Cat Noir said very happy
—Save that happiness for later. When you see the problem you won't think about it.
—Now, this is the moment you need to fix.

—I will be checking you from here, also I will bring Minibug to capture the akuma, but she can't help you with everything.

Bunnix opened the portal. Paris looked all burned up, isolated and sad. Cat Noir went throw it.
—Cat Noir! I'm glad you aren't dead... —Ladybug akumatized said
—What happened here?

Darkbug sighed.
—I guess I overreacted, sit down.
—Be more specific, I don't understand.
—Let me remember it, It's confusing.

Bunnix was investigating when it happen. She put a moment from that day but earlier.
—There's Cat Noir in the roof, if I made less zoom... Oh no! Luka saw him. Kitty Noir is so careless.
—Now, I will check what triggered the problem.

Bunnix put what happened the next day, what Cat Noir from the present couldn't live.
In the memory Cat Noir was facing a villain.
—M'lady, you are just in time!
—Cat Noir... —Ladybug said upset
—What happen?
—How could you? there are people who already know your identity...
—What?! M'lady, we can't do this right now...
—But that means you can't help me anymore, Cat Noir. I'm sorry.
—But our friends can erase their memories!
—But we aren't sure who knows. I'm sorry Cat Noir, I don't want to have other partner but rules are rules... I swear I don't want another partner! — Ladybug said and started crying

Hawk Moth realized that Ladybug was sad so he decided to deakumatize the actual villain to akumatize Ladybug.
—No, ladybug, no! Resist! —Cat Noir said
—Hi, Darkbug. You know about me, don't you? I'm Hawk Moth, I allow you to destroy Cat Noir but in return I want his miraculous.
—That will be easy, Hawk Moth.
—Now, Cat Noir. I will ask for your miraculous gently, give it to me or you will pay the consequences. —Ladybug akumatized said
—M'lady, please. I'm your partner, give me another opportunity.
—There's no other opportunities, Cat Noir.

—Evil charm!
—It's that a... gun?!
—No,silly kitty. It's a flamethrower. You have two options, give me your Miraculous or be cat ashes.
—I'm sorry, but I can't follow your orders if you're akumatized.

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