Devil's got a soft side literally

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2:30 in the fucking morning

Y/n hated when they couldn't sleep normally there would be some issue maybe like errands,family or thoughts in their head but this time they just simply couldn't sleep
And their demonic roommate knew that

Devil was curled up at the foot side of the queen sized bed his tail curled around his small black feline body as he tried to rest he had gotten used to the strange feeling of his red collar and cold gold colored tag but not Y/n's sleepless nights
You could even say he hated seeing how tired they were and how badly they just wanted to sleep

Or what is he even thinking his the Devil he shouldn't care for them anyways after all he was the lord of hell,the great evil the...annoyed cat

Y/N turned in their bed trying to figure out a comfortable position when they then suddenly felt something soft against their face and opened their eyes to see a mass of black fur and above a pair of bright yellow eyes the irises a blazing red but even though the eyes were supposed to be terrifying they were half lidded with concern soft even "Having trouble sleeping mortal?"Devil placed his tail over Y/n's waist calmly he was now in his normal furry demonic form along with having his horns out all nicely sharped

"Nope I'm having a wonderful time drifting off to fucking dream land- course I'm having trouble!"Y/n spoke with a growl almost damn they were really tired their voice was almost dripping with venom from how angry they sounded

"I can see that,dick"
"Look what do you want if you're hungry again you know you can get your own damn meal"
"What?No!I'm fine"
"Then what do you want?"

Y/n watched Devil turn reddish and his furry like maine fluff up was the Devil himself...flustered?
He seemed to try and speak when he then flattened his ears and had a frown on his face
At first mumbling out what he was trying to say while avoiding eye-contact his words being so quiet you didn't hear a thing "Hm?
Then he did it again "Sorry devs b-but I can't understand you could you please speak-"

"I-I want to help you sleep!"He let out surprising Y/n "But only because I'm tired of all the turning don't want you to kick me accidentally"The Devil the embodiment of pure evil and chaos Lord and prince of hell

Wanted to help me sleep?

Y/n stared at the demon with wide surprised eyes only making the Devil more irritated by the look "You want to help me?I don't know you aren't really usually this-"and with that the demon made a grunt and just pulled the mortal close getting a small gasp out of the smaller creature in his arms "L-look just shut up and let me do this alright"

Y/n only nodded as a response now shocked with their arms now around something she didn't expect to even be able to hug without getting pushed away instantly or yelled at...or both and worse

But here they were with their arms around fucking Satan himself!he felt fluffier then before his fur still matted but there wasn't a single whif of cigar smoke or alcohol in fact he smelled of some kind of charcoal perfume it was pleasant to say the least,while petting the huge monster Y/n then heard him make a low growl causing them to flinch in the beast's touch but if they weren't mistaken it sounded like a purr?

"Sorry I've gotten used to doing that lately,d-did I frighten you?"He apologized moving slightly just so he could see your face expecting anger but instead he got a calm look and grew a soft smile "Oh no don't worry it's alright are you sure you're comfortable with this?"

Devil didn't flinch at the sudden touch from the mortal's hand against his cheek petting him reassuringly in which he then leaned into the touch with a quick purr of content "To be honest I usually get fucked in this situation but...I think I can manage this"Devil said with a purr Y/n still stayed nice and relaxed

Almost tired even as the two seemed to share a comfortable moment of silence for the first time
You liked it a lot
Out of everything you've been through and have experienced you never thought you'd end up cuddling and giving affection to the Devil
It was better then you had expected

Softly as the petting grew softer and slower so did you grow tired and was finally ready to rest seeing this Devil was ready to move "Well looks like my work here is done I'll leave you to sleep peacefully tonight and go to another-"his voice hitched at the soft yet sudden pull back into their arms as Y/n held the black furred creature close and nuzzled into his chest which he noted by the feeling and his bell along his collar jingle a bit

"No..Please stay Luci"
Cue the heartstrings being tugged in the Devil's heart at the sight of seeing Y/n hug him and wanting him to stay close maybe he would stay a little longer "Only for tonight"you begged softly
With a sigh and a smirk he got comfortable and rested his chin on Y/n's head "Alright Mortal but only till you fall asleep I don't usually give this opportunity to anyone so you better enjoy it while it lasts"

And just as quick as he spoke you were out like a light softly breathing in and out with the devil feeling your breath against his chest maybe this wasn't so bad he thought to himself wineding his tail around your leg as he then had one more look at your sleeping form and closed his tired eyes

Needless to say the next day you woke up all refreshed he was still there holding you close and keeping you safe and sound in his embrace
With a smile you gently petted him as he slept and gave him a small reward by kissing him on the head only to have him begin to grin as he dreamed and purred even louder

Hours later he'd then find Y/n playing video games on the couch in the living room(or watching Tv you choose what your doing)

And as their in focused on their game he sits beside them and as quick as he sat leaned against Y/n's shoulder and with his tail wrapped around the mortal's waist began to happily purr with content causing you to laugh a bit which confused him at first
"I thought you weren't gonna give me the 'opportunity' again?"
This would cause him to flush
"Well I have decided to go back on that decision now shut up before I change my mind again"

You'd laugh softly and take a quick break from your game to gently pet him and get the huge bastard to purr

Guess he wasn't so bad after all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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