Nightmares (part 2)

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Your P.O.V

It's been hours since I woke up from that nightmare. I really wanna know why I had it, why I became a spirit like those other ones I saw. But most importantly, I wanna know who that guy was. Cuz I'm pretty sure that regular people don't have completely black eyes and purple skin. Speaking of the colour purple, my eyes are still purple. The only difference is that they're becoming a brighter and brighter shade as the time goes by. I'm staying in my room because almost everyone in the orphanage has noticed it and pointed it out to me. I'm seriously stating to wonder what the hell is going on with me. But just as I'm trying to process everything, Mike walks in.

"Uh, Drake? You okay dude?" He says.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine Mike. Just have a lot on my mind right now." I reply putting a hand on my forehead. Mike then sits next to me on my bed and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Something's bothering you. And by the looks of it, its something serious. What's wrong buddy?" He asks concerned.

"N-No, its n-nothing. Nothing serious." I say nervously.

"If so then why are your eyes purple?" He asks suspiciously.

"I don't know! They just are I guess. They've been like this since I woke up." I say quickly.

"Drake, you don't have to keep this kind of stuff from me. I'm your best friend." He says calmly.

"Well sometimes there are things that even best friends have to keep from each other." I say.

"Like what?" He asks. There's a few seconds of silence between us before I let out a sigh and try to tell him the best way I can.

"Fine. If you really wanna know then I'll tell you. After I came back here from Freddy's I had what was probably one of the weirdest and worst nightmares of my life." I say. I see a confused face start to appear on Mike's face.

"Wait, a nightmare? That's what you didnt wanna tell me about?" He asks.

"What happened in the nightmare is what I didnt wanna tell you about. But I guess I have no choice now." I say preparing to tell him everything.

"Well don't just stand there. Tell me already! My curiosity can't handle it." He says like a ten year old.

"Okay, okay. It started off completely black. Then I heard Springtrap's voice and tried to find him. That's when this guy appeared behind me. He called himself 'Mr Afton'. Then all of a sudden I'm in the pizzaria." I explain.

"Hold on a sec, 'Mr Afton' as in William Afton? That's who appeared behing you?!" He says shocked.

"Uh, yeah. Why is that such a surprise?" I ask.

"Dude, William Afton is the person who got arrested for killing those six children in 1987! How did you not know that!?" He says.

"That happened over twenty years ago. Ever since Freddy's reopened everyone's forgotten about it." I say.

"Drake, if you saw him in your nightmare then there has to be a deeper meaning to it. What happened next?" He says.

"Well, he told me that he'll be able to free Springtrap from the backroom and told me to follow him. But just as i was about to these six spirits stopped me, telling me to run away, to not trust William." I say before being cut off.

"Spirits! SIX SPIRITS!? Drake I swear if you're making all this up I'm going to... well I don't know what I'm gonna do but you're not gonna like it!" He says.

"Why would I make something like this up?" I say.

"Dude, there were six murders at Freddy's and in your nightmare, you saw six spirits. Those had to have been the spirits of the dead children! And if they're telling you to run then... Tell me what happened next." He says.

"Well, I ignored the spirits and followed William into the backroom. But after I did..." I start tearing up a bit. He reminder of what happened next hurts. It felt so real too. But I don't have a choice to keep the rest of the story from Mike, he knows too much already. Might as well tell him the whole thing.

"...He took out a knife. I got backed into a corner and, everything went black. Then, when I saw myself again I...I..." I say trailing off.

"Then what? Drake you can't just leave me in this suspense." Mike urges. I let out a sigh.

"I was a spirit. Black tears were stained on my head, rolling down my body. Then all the spirits started to fade away, everything around me went dark, I was all alone. Then I saw his face, flickering between his normal face and a purple skin. Then I hears a child's screech. That's when I woke up." I explain

"Oh, that's dark. I'm so sorry that you had to see that man." Mike says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No, its okay. But I've been trying to wrap my head around all that since the minute I came out of the bathroom." I say.

"Well, I'm glad you told me. Now I can think of ways to help you out." He says.

"Thanks buddy." I say giving him a small hug.

"No problem. Well, I'm going downstairs. Wanna come with me?" He says getting off my bed and walking to the door.

"Yeah. After that, I think I could use some time to forget about it. But you go ahead, I'll come a little later." I say getting off my bed.

"Okay man." He says before going out the door. After a few minutes I decode to go find Mike. But before I go after him, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. And what in see almost makes me scream out in question. My eyes, they're not purple anymore. They're blue again. Now I'm even more confused. My eyes were blue yesterday. Then after I came back from Freddy's and woke up this morning, they turned purple. Now they're back to normall? Did I forget that I had colour changing contacts on? This is wierd. Maybe Springtrap might know what's happening to me. Looks like I'm going to Freddy's again. Now I just gotta wait another nine hours before I can actually go there. How hard can that be?


Okay, before you say it, yes, I know I took a really long time to update. But I had so much stuff already on my plate. I had to get ready for moving to a new house, I had a lot artworks to finish, if I'm being honest I almost forgot that I was an author. But I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long. I'll try not to make you wait for so long next time, I promise. But anyways, that's it for today. See you all next chapter.

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